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j eep UNIVERSAL SERIES SIERYEEZE MANLL4I A GENERHLL DHTAEL Contents SUBJECT PAR General 4 A 1 Vehicle Description A 2 Vehicle Identification 4 A 3 Identification Number Location V 4 A 4 Serial Number Location A 5L Engine Code Number r A 6 Plate And Trim Option Plate 4 A 7 General Specifications 4 f A 8L A 1 GENIEFKAL Cj 3B This is a 4ewheel drive eep Universal This manual is provided for the guidance of all 1IOd l Cqugi1piig 4w1thit h r ig ndir automotive service men vehicle owners and Solirncanc cmg ne ce Se S service salesmen who repair maintain or adjust 1 the jeep Universal Series vehicles The informa C if W tion herein was prepared from the service man s C l A Thess are 4j Whee1 ir Ve 4 Ieep Universal viewpoint to give him the accurate and concise mOde1s eq j lpPed wleh either the Delune data he may need to service the entire vehicle less Ye mgme OI Fhe feupeylmder The information is not elementary as it is intended Htfneene F4 34 e gme Wheslbass is for automotive service men who are familiar with j 81 automotive construction and repair in general It CJ V is not intended nor would it be possible in such CIDA Th S are ijWh l lflV J D U lVer al limited space to cover every possible repair that Qrh0dels equipped Wllih errher the Dsl lht he may encounter All specihcations are in accord less F 6 engine Or Phe feuheyhhder with Engineering Specifications and should be Hulirlefihe F4 3 f ehglh Whee1h3 e ls adhered to in all work on the vehicle 101 The manual sections follow logical division into 1 5 major eemperrerrre or the vehicles The nrsr page DJ 6 rr Thess are ifgwh s l dr1v J r Uhlwsrsal of each seenorr has a detailed index ofthe contents models squiismd w th th r f r yh d r of that section Subject matter covers all models Hurfleaheff F4 13 i ehglhe DTS lll heel included in this manual unless an exception for a base is 81 1 6 Whee1h3se ls 101 particular model is specifically mentioned Specifications and components covered were for A 3 Vehliele Idehtlfllealrhhh standard pr i pti n models Of J c1 vehicles Eaeir eep vehreie model series has one or more eurreht at the srlme the rrlshuel was elPPrOYed for serial number prefixes to identify it Complete Prmhhe Jeep COrPOr3hOh reserves the right ts identification of a specific vehicle requires the ehseehhhue me de1s at 3hY Um Or ehahge sPeelh prefix plus the serial number Serial numbers are eatrehs Or desrgh ef any Of its m9de1s Wltheut consecutive for each prefix grouping Prefix infor notice and without incurring any obligation rnaticrn j O OWing will identify the p mO d S shown by serial number prefix from model inception to date A 2 Vehicle Description This manual covers all standard production eep N te V hll l stw1Ehakssrwl hE h er Pgehxtgf ive Universal models currently being produced at the 5 Oh mom 1gl Sat e h1 YT1an bi er asc C git time this manual was approved for publication gsg1t 3f l C ulpp h Wit I aus IgUS lp OnFm Significant changes made in each model since it nU i1 jr 1 E Suit t b 1g1 WE ul adiscverl was first produced are included in the manual 7 lglt Ve lc C SCI m m Er pre X m mates A d t f h l I H v G I Left Hand Drive a 2 indicates Right Hand Drive gscrlp ll O esc gse 1 2 irlep engr a 3 indicates Left Hand Drive California Exhaust l 1CZt1On S 191 eec I mo are lS C Th age i Emission Control Engine a 4 indicates Right Hand C el C Spccl matlons COVCI mg ma lOr V IC E umts Drive California Exhaust Emission Control Engine are listed at the end of each section of the manual T 3