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eep UNIVERSAL SERIES MANUEL l solvent Wrap the polyurethane element in a clean B 3 I General dry eieth arid squeeze te rerrreve all possible sei A11 transfer cases and transmissions should be V9 t De UO Wflag th9 9l9m9 at OY if may b99Om9 serviced separately even though drilled passages terrr Aft9Y Claaalagi Oil W9 POlYU Y9 lh a 9 9l9m9 t are provided for oil circulation between some trans llbalally with 9 gl 9 eil SAE lOVV30 and 19929 mission and the transfer case housings Procedure to evenly distribute the oil through the element and from the appropriate pap b g1OW ShOu d bg O1 te remeve excess eil The element slieuld be damp 1nwed to check the iiibricant level of the various with eil rret dYlPFPl g Install tha POlYUY9tha 9 types of transfer cases and transmissions elemelll ell the pepel elemelllv lakllligi Cale te llelle If the transfer case or transmission fluid levels edges ef the pOlYlllelllelle elememi Ovel the Plestle are found to be abnormally low check both units end plates of the paper element for any possible l akS Replace the complete air cleaner element assembly every 24 000 miles 38 400 km Replace more B 3 2 1 mSf9r Case itigigigtgyoflfplglggfngls any l l t damage Or The transfer case fill hole is located on the right The crankcase ventilation filter should be replaced S1dQ Oi the transfer case houemg TO checl the not cleaned every 6 000 miles 9 600 km The lubl lCam IEVEL remove th flu plug L l lC l filter is located inside the air cleaner housing Should be level lmlh thls f1u hOl ll mtr bring up to level by adding make up lubricant as specified in the Lubrication Specifications 1 Q 2 B 33 lfrrannsmission The transmission fill hole is located on the right iil side of the transmission housing To check the V V lubricant level remove the fill plug Lubricant 4 should be level with this fill hole If not bring i I A A up to level by adding make up lubricant as specified i i l l V in the Lubrication Specifications l pa i Y i i lill B 34 lliraainsmission and Transfer Case v I 0 I Refer to Par B 35 through B 3 7 as applicable B 35 Gleneral 992 Transfer case and transmission lubricants should FIG B 7 DRY TYPE AIR CLEANER be changed at the same time DAUNTLESS V 6 ENGINE l Crankcase Ventilation Filter B 3l6 I lransfer Case fl l lY ha El To drain the transfer case first remove the transfer 3 PBPH El m case fill hole plug and then the transfer case drain B 7 S hole plug Let all fluid drain from case Then install 2 leermg Gear the transfer case drainhole plug and refill 1 he Ch99k that lih9 t99Ylng 9aY lubflcalat ls et the transfer case through the fill hole using the correct 19Val ef the flH hOl9 If net add 1 brr e t te th9 lubricant as specified in the Lubrication Specifica level of the fill hole with the lubricant recom tiomh mended in the Lubrication Specifications If abnor At 30y C mile 45 000 krn I inteirvals lube the meily IOW 9h99k tha t99YlUSS g9aY fer POS lbllltY transfer case shift levers with Lubriplate No ef l9ak 130 AA Late models have a lube fitting To lube older models without lube fitting remove the B 28 Cooling System bottom cover of the case clean thoroughly and Check the coolant level in the radiator It should be Pack CaS9 full ef l bT i9a half an inch below the neck If not fill the radiator to half inch below the neck with the proper coolant B 37 T a ml l 3 P99 l Refer to Section G To change the lubricant on all vehicles equipped If the level of the coolant is abnormally low check with a three speed syrnchrornesh transmission drain the radiator hoses and water pump for possible the old fluid by first removing the fill hole plug leaks lf a leak is suspected refer to Section G and than removing the drainhole plug Since on some transmissions there are drilled passages be B 29 mea rl Exterior og Raldiawor tween tllie transmission and transfericase that allow F I ff th di t h ld 011 to circulate between the two units the transfer Ol pmper Ceo mg E lclfmcy E M 3 or I Ou case should be drained before refilling the trans be cleaned of foreign objects Refer to Section G misgion When all the fluid iis completely drained replace B 30 l a m l and Tr er ease the drainhole plugs only For the correct specifi l l l le el cl e l cations and quantity refer to the Lubrication Refer to Par B 31 through B 33 as applicable Specificatiions 15