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<- Lubrication Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971 Tune-Up ->
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B LUBRICATION hackle bolts Check the alignment of these bolts Note Hard shifting of the transmission gear in S cold weather is a positive indication that the lubri and check that nuts are tightened securely W cant is of ther wrong viscosity or of poor quality B 47 Spring shackles which allows it to congeal Rubber bushings are provided on the Spying shackles These rubber bushings have no lubrication B 38 OPl l 4 P l Tra m fitting and it is very important that they never and Transfer Case be lubricated The four speed transmission and transfer case re quire separate lubrication for each unit as they B 48 Shock Absorbers have no cross over oilrpassage At each transmission Visually Check for broken rnonnrs or bolts worn YVl Cl1 k fh fill plugs of both lOuY P d or missing bushings on the shock absorbers Refer transmission and transfer case should be pulled to Section S and the lubricant refilled to level if necessary B 49 Front ancl Rear Axle U Bolts B 39 T Sf f Case l l l 96 Torque the front and rear axle U bolts Refer to The transfer case shift linkage should be lubricated Section S periodically All bearing surfaces that are assembled with studs and cotter pins should be disassembled B 50 Front and Rear Axle Differentials cleaned and coated with a good waterproof grease Lubricant Levels The bearing surfaces that cannot be disassembled The lubricant level of all front and rear differentials should be lubricated with a lubricant that will should be at the level of the fill hole penetrate the bearing area These bearings include the two on the cross shaft assembly and the B 51 Front and Rear Axle Differentials threaded stud Changing Lubricant The type of penetrating lubricant recommended is DuPont PM 7 No 2911 or its equivalent B 52 Conventional Differentials To remove the lubricant from the front or rear B 40 Brake Master Cylinder differential it is necessary to remove the housing Clean the top of the fill cap and also the housing COVBY Let tuff lul l l 3 t drain out and th flush area around n Remove the can and observe the the differential with a flushing oil or light engine fluid level It should be half an inch below the top Ou tu Clean ful th hcuslug XC Pt POWY LOk of the fill hole If not add brake fluid to half OfTrac L kD ff r a1S D tus water steam inch 1 3 cm below the top of the fill hole Use k 0S u OY gusollufi l0 flu h1 g onlylheavy duty brake fluid conforming to speci Relllstull the huuslug OV Yeplacmg th g3 k t fication SAE J 1703 Be sure to handle the brake Whenever u C S aYY torqumg the 0V I bolts to fluid in clean dispensers and containers that will 15 to 25 lb ft l2 l 8 3 4 kg m not introduce even the slightest amount of other Remove the llll l Plug and Y lll l tl d1ff Y fi3l liquids or foreign particles Replace and tighten llouslug as Specll led lu the Lubl lC8U0u SP lfi 9 the fill cap tlOuS B 4 Adiusf Brakes B 53 Powr Lok or Trac Lok Differential Refer to Section p Some vehicles may be equipped with the Powr Lok or Trac Lok Differential as optional equipment 3 4 Brake Lining Speoial lubricant and ordinary multipurpose gear Refer to Section R lubricants must not be used Use only eep Differ ential Oil Part No 94557 B 4 d o Cl Powr Lok or Trac Lok differentials may be cleaned 3 A st utch lb d br h d h on y y isassem ing t e un1t an wiping wit Refer to Section I clean rags Do not flush the unit Refer to Sec B 44 Clutch Cross Shaft Lever Type tion N Lubricate the clutch oross shaft in accordance with B 54 From Axle Universal Join Lube specifications given in the Lubrication chart see Item L Chassis Bearings Check the level of the front axle universal joint lubricant at each front wheel by removing the B 45 Tie Red and Drag Link Seekers fill hole plug The lubricant should be level with the fill hole If required add lubricant as specified The tie rod and drag link sockets are equipped in Lubrication S eifieetiene with lubrieation fittings and should be lubricated pe 5 l fTa s Vg a ntlg Lubncatmn Chart B 55 Front Axle Universal Joint Service g On all 4 wheel drive vehicles the front axle uni versal joint should be serviced by removing the B 46 Fwnl and Rear Sprmg Bushmgs shaft and thoroughly cleaning the universal joints w The condition of the spring bushings is indicated and housing For the correct procedures refer to by the alignment of the spring pivot and spring Section M 16