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eep UNIVERSAL SERIES MANUAL Reinstall the axle shafts and refill the housings to B 59 Iliglhts and Controls Plug level using the U l V YS3l lolnt lubricant a Check all interior and exterior lights and light SP if l d in Lubdcation S P Clfl atlOl S switches for proper operation including parking lights headlamps high beam and low beam B 56 From Axle Wheel Bearings sggkgi llgggts directional lights and in To lubricate the wheel lbearings it is necessary b iw gkpu tg t I m I njim1 w to remove clean repack and adjust them When ie a ms iumegii pi me CO IO S 3 front wheel hubs and bearings are removed for merits lei proper Opei atlOn lubrication they should be thoroughly washed in a suitable cleaning solvent The bearings should be B 6 cl F d m l Cable carefully dlried and then given a thorough cleaning Remove the speedometer calble from its housing and inspection Use a clean brush to remove all every 112 000 miles 19 300 km Clean it thor particles of old lubricant from bearings and hubs oughly and coat it with a good quality light graphite After the bearings are cleaned inspect them for grease pitted races and rollers Also check the hub oil seals B 6 l lrleaadlights Note Wheel bearing lithium base lubricants are Reiei lie Seeiieii H used at the factory for initial fill of these bearings When lithium base and sodium base lubricants are B 6 2 l l C l l mixed the result is a thinned out mixture that Apply Lubriplate 130 A to all friction points and can bleed through seals It is therefore important pivot points on the heater controls panel unit that lubricants with the correct base be used when as well as the pivot points at the dashpot Apply lubricating the wheel bearings a few dlrops of penetrating oil all along the Bowden Should leaks occur at wheel bearing seals the leaks cable This oil will penetrate into the center wire may be caused by a mixture of two types of lubri cants In such cases the old lubricant should be 3 5 3 llvlmdshigld wiper and Washer Control eempleiely removed b f r w1 b1 1 t is added Lubricate the friction points and the pivot points Wheel bearings Slieiild be thcmugllly 1 d7 on the windshield wiper transmission and linkage liibiieeied with lithium bi Lii l EEsieiled arms with a slight amount of Lubriplate 130 A Repack the bearing cones and rollers with grease and reassemble hub in the reverse order of the B 6 ll lll Tlres disassembly Test the bearing adjustment as out Refer to Section Q for the correct method of rotat lined in Section Q ing the tires Bay Rear Axle Wheel Bearings BM F v Lube The Rear wheel bearings an early modlels equipped Relief to Pen Bebe through B 68 with lubrication fittings with a vent opening through the housings above each fitting should be B 6 e ll l d Hmge P l P l lubricated sparingly each 2 000 miles 3 200 km Lubricate the frictional points of the hood hinge Use a hand compressor and wheel lbearing grease pivot points with a few drops of light weight engine forcing the grease through each lubrication fitting oil until it flows from the vent Vent should be kept clear of obstruction or grease will back up into the B 67 iil V Compartment D0 l l l1 brakes Do not add grease after it flows from the Spmjngly wipe Lubyiplate 3 A 0 the glove Com vent for it may be forced through the wheel key pm ment dom latch way onto the outside of the wheel and possibly onto the brake linings Rear wheel bearings that do B 6 g aillgafe Hinges hh i l bg ligl F1 liieringssgiig Lubricate the friction points of the tailgate lhinges cleaned inspected and repacked Refer to proce with 8 few drops of light weight meme OIL dum P B 56 B 69 niurmucmnow or o noNAL Eoun Mzzmr Note When servicing the Flaznged Axle Unit Bear ing Assembly refer to Section N Par N 5 for B 70 lpilmle H k proper lubrication procedures When lubricating the vehicle place a few drops i i of oil on 1 he pintle hook and safety latch pivot pins B 58 Propeller Shafts and ltlnniversal Joints B 7l Cierrtrifugal Governor The propeller shaft slip joints and universals should Check the oil level in the governor housing at each be lubricated with a hand compressor grease gun vehicle lubrication Ufse the same seasonal grade so as to not damage the bearing seals The units oil as is used in the engine and change oil at each should be lubricated with a good quality grease engine oil change Do not fill the housing above Refer to the Lubrication Chart for lubrication fre the level indicating plug opening Keep the vent quency and lubricant type and grade in t he filler plug open at all times l7