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eejp UNIVERSAL SERIES MANUAL Q TUNE UP Contents SUEIJECT PAR SUB ECT PAR GENERAL C 1 Fuel lPump C C C 23 TUNE UP C 2 Heat Control Valve C C 7 Air Cleaner C 21 Ignition Cables C C 19 Batt ery C 3 Ignition Timing C C C C l4 Carburetor Adjustments C 25 Ignition Wires C l8 Coil C C 20 Nlanifold C C 5 Crankcase Ventilation C 6 Nlanifold Vacuum C C S24 Cylinder Compression C 9 Point Dwell C C 17 Cylinder Head s C C 5 Primary Circuit Tests C C C C 15 Dash Pot Adjustments C 26 Spark Plugs C C 4 Distributor Service C 10 thru C 13 Tappets C C C 13 Distributor Resistance Test C 16 ROAD TEST C C 128 Fan Belt C 27 SER VI ClEi DIAGNOSIS C C 29 Fuel Lines and Screens C 22 TUNE U P SPECIFICATIONS C 30 C I GIENERAI Minor engine tune up consists of the following An engine tune up should be performed for all Inspect and correct as required jeep Vehicles each 6000 miles 9 600 km or Battery cables and connections at the end of each 250 hours off the road operation Alternator and regulator wiring to ensure best possible performance at all times Primary Sce0ndary wiring distributor cap The tune up should follow the sequence given in Cylinder head torque this sectionC Contact point dwell Because of federal laws limiting exhaust emissions Vae lum ana eentmtugal advance it is even more important that the engine tune up Igmmm timing is done accurately using the specifications listed Spark Qlugs for C e t au gap on the tune up sticker found in each engine com Aelust ldle SPeed and Idle au mixture pmtment gpjust alajdrilre belt tpnsions ean car ure or air c eaner Note To ensure proper operation and effectiveness 1 b t exhaust f 1d dampen of the exhaust emission control system and to MHj f i tune up l l d the f0ll0Wl C comply with Federal and State requirements a Inspect and correct as required rechecl of ignition timing idle speed and idle mix Battery condition and charging circuit Clean ture and necessary adjustments must be performed lubricate and tighten battery cable connec after the first 2 000 miles 3 200 km of vehicle tions operation Ingition system Spark plugs replace if necessary or clean and A minor engine tune up should be performed every gap 6 000 miles 9 600 km or at the end of 250 hours Compression check of off the road use Major engine tune up should Primary Secondary wiring distributor cap be performed every 12 000 miles 19 300 km Replace contact points and condenser The parts Of units which affect pO OI and perform Liubricate distributor cam with cam grease ance may be divided into three groups ggiuist 0 t8 t P0 liS f I 1 I 1 ec vacuum am centri uga am vance 1 Units affectmg compression Sm ignition timing 2 Units affecting ignition Torque cylinder h ad 3 Units affecting carburetfion Adjust idle speed and idle air mixture The tune up procedure should cover these roups Replace fuel filter element in the order given While the items affectingg com E F i 12 009 mlles 1 9 aOO km pression and ignition may be handled according to personal preference correction of items in the IMP DR I A NT SPEC IF ICATIQNS FQR EN carburetion gronp should not be attempted until GINI I pM DISTRIjB TOR POINT DVVELL all items affectrng compression and ignition have ANI I N ITION TIBJING GIVEN IN TUN E been sat SfaetO lY eO eeted UP SECTION C REFER TO VEHICLES WITH Note To make sure hydlro carb0n and carbon T1I gL 3i LIl IjrSF X i AUST EMISSION CON monoxide emissions will be within limits it is very FOR V 5 I iICLES EOU Ip pED WITH EXHAUST impotrant that the adjustments be followed exactly ENIISSION CONT R OL SYSTEMS ALSO as listed on the sticker found in each engine REIiF ER TO SECTION F1 F4 134 ENGI Nf Compartment ANI F1 V6 225 ENGINE 19