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<- Hurricane F4 Engine Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971 Dauntless V6 Engine ->
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eep UNIVERSAL SERIES SECRVICE MANUAL D straight in the hole then tap the dowel lightly hone or deglazer to obtain diamond cross hatch ed with a hammer until it bottoms pattern previously mentioned d When installing bearing caps be sure to tighten d Regardlless of type of correction on cylinder the bolts evenly in each cap to pull i1 into place walls wash out bores thoroughly afterwards and without bending the dowels or distorting the apply a light coat of engine oil If cylinders have bearing cap been rebored or honed heavily measure cylinder Q Other parts Of the block which require inspco diarnetezrs again to assure proper selection of piston tion and possible repair but which are directly slzo related to other engine components such as rappers pistons camshaft valves crankshaft ssa 3i6 l t s R r s and g FMS Oii Dumb are v d iat i ih this s OtiOh Pistons are each fitted with three rings two com pression rings and one oil control ring The pistons D 35 Cylinder Bows have an extra groove above the top ring which acts as a heat dam or insulating groove to protect The Cyiihdci bores may be i OOOh iitiOh i by hOhih against sealing of the top ring in the ring groove OY Y bOtihg Usa Oii sOak O iiags to F i Ot Ot OYahk with hard carbon The piston pin is secured by shaft journals and other engine parts from abrasive the eek eereW A dust dulilog all looooolooomg opoliaooos The pistons and connecting rods were removed from Both hOhml ahd r b ri g of thi Cyiihdats must be the engine as assemblies If cylinders were rebored dOh Oatsiiiiiiy to ii t the PistOhs iahti to Obtaih new oversized pistons and rings will have to be in speciiied clearances If reboring of tlhe cylinder S ed1 ed bores isnot required but the walls are glazed use Diszmscmbrlc the pistons and rods Remove the 3 omsolllg hollo to lsomovo tho glszo Rooormg two conripression rings the oil control ring and tho oylmools must not be oioiomilmod unless ooo the oil control ring expander from each piston quoto loollloos and oxoollooooo soliviloo toohmoloos Do not remove the bolts from the lower end of the oro avolloolo Th omoool af mat i ial to be ro connecting rods un less the bolts are damaged moved is determined fromi the original diameter Clamp meh Connecting md and piston assembly ol the oylmool oolos o l2oli so o l2ll i79 375 a in a padded bench vise and remove the piston pin 79 426 mm ll plus the amountof oversize in diameter lopik Scmw and lockrvvashcrl Press the piston pm of soo ollolislzo p stl S to be oosoo Plstoos oro out of the piston and connecting rod Clean all oVoll E l t2 Z f ii T g llvzrigiom 76 1 carbon gum and lacquer deposits from both the mm i i i mm inner and outer surfaces of each piston connecting 020 0 508 mm 040 1 0145 mm rod and piston pin Use a ring groove cleaner or a The largest cylinder bore will determine the over bi Oii h iiih EI hiad tO a sharp square Odgs tO Oisah size to which all cylinders must he rebored since thc ai bO h iYOm thi b istOh img gi OOV s ahd thc the size and weight of all pistons must be uniform ihsl iii itOi gi OOVO Usb Cats hOt tO scm PO metai itbm to maintain proper engine balance The maximum the sides Ot the gYOOV s Oi mak buffs Oh Ymg rebdre Sherdd net exeeed 1140 11016 mm from groove surfaces Run a length of wire through the s ear1ddrd oil spray hole near the lower end of the connecting Measure the cylinder diamsisr s by making mss TOM i r the h i sf erd d ai 1 S S f surcments both parallel to and at right angles to foreign matter Carelully inspect the pistons and crankshaft over entire piston travel and at bottom roiollllso EEDY that hoo tfkcg Qt olglokod iooiooo Of Gyms PY OCEC d as fouowe l Iiili Zi 3 s frf ifi i iii i2 i is 1 Zit a If bores are scored if outs of round exceeds 05 Se d 1 ehed Or burned SO seriOuS1y that the imperfeci 0 127 mm l ii diameter s iiti i moth than 005 ll tions cannot be removed with a hand honing stone or if taper exceeds 005 on diameter it is generally Or er dede e1Oth recommended that cylinders be reconditioned by 1 reboring and honing to the next oversize using new R l t oo plstoos as ol oWs pistons Of the proper size a Ai ter cylinder bores have been carefully checked for out of round and taper Par D 35 check fit Note If reboring is perforrned allow O015 of each piston to cylinder bore with block and 0 0381 mm for final honing pistons cleean and dry and at approximately 70 F All cylinder bore diameters must be within 002 21 C by using Piston Fitting Gauge And Scale 0 0508 mm after reconditioning Tool No C 690 as shown in Fi DI 7 Use zi 003L T T t 0 0762 mm thickness au e E 19 mm wide o l bolo moosul omollts ole Wlllllllo tho ooovo lI he piston fs fitted upside gdoviiin in the block to llmltS but llldlootohollowsl ol WoVlll oSlsl oylllldol S facilitate the operation The gauge must extend the should be honed Wllll 25o gut Stollo llollo Plllllp full length of the piston on the thrust side opposite hollo uio and oowll lll yh dF i Wllllo lt ls l ototmg side from slot in piston skirt Scale should register to produce a satin f1n1sh diamond lcross hatched 5 to 0 pounds 2 3 El 4 5 kg pun 1 0 remove the pottom opplioxlmatoly 30 Wlt h holil Zolltal l llollo thickness gauge from between cylinder wall and Only ooougll to oolloot Wavlooss piston lillxcessive pull indicates need for a slightly c If cylinder bore correction is unnecessary break smaller piston or additional honing of cylinder In the glaze on cylinder walls with a 250 grit stone sufiicient pull indicates need for fitting a larger hone or with a suitable deglazing tool Operate the piston 47