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<- Hurricane F4 Engine Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971 Dauntless V6 Engine ->
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eep I Q II ERSAL SERIES MANUAL D 5 928 a 5 926 cm for all main bearings Allowable bore install the proper bearing See that the oil taper or out of round of the journals is 00l hole in the bearing upper half registers properly 0 0254 mm with the oil hole in the block and that the bearing loclt fits properly in the notch in the block Install the crankshaft if replacing bearings with the engine D 42 Checkmg e t s Rod cr ahkpm out of the vehicle 1 he desired running ht dif Check the crankpin diameters with a emicremeter ference between the diameter or the crankshaft to ensure that they are not out f r0und or tapered journal and the inside diameter of the fitted bear more than 001 0 0254 mrn The standard crank ing Oy 3 main beer ing is 00 3 tb 29 9439 76 Din dl8ff1 t 1 is 1 9383I to L9375 4 9233 3 4 9213 a 0 0736 mm With a dimension in excess of this Cm stanclarcl running fit a satisfactory bearing replace ment cannot be made an d it will be necessary to 43 kS Mem B r iZ2il Zl f itE e 2 llZ ZE i i aYrl f l Z I S EXZZ The erehkehort rotates oh three meth oeerrhgs equally and only slightly tight Rotate the crank E grt h 7 rgrgrggrgg e1e rehee ef o oo3 to 0029 shaft by hand to be sure it turns tfreely without 8 mm dra 5 Pull th uts tighter hrst o e th n th oth r These lheerrhge are oosrtroheol ood Ffrevehteo l r m a little at a tisnie intermittently rohatiricg theccranilir rotating in their supports in the lcyllnder block by shaft by hand mm the rccommcndcd mrquc Of dowel pins Dowel pins are used in both the center 35 tc 45 1b ft 4 8 H 6 2 kg m is r CaCh d If the and the rear hearrhg eaPS Ne dowel Prhs are used bearings are of the correct size and lubricated with in he frorrilii be r1ng cap brirause trierlpeaplisg hag light oil before installation the crankshaft should a ah Ye e rent mam eerrrhgi 3 es e eh turnzlfreely in the bearings If the crankshaft cannot thrust of the crankshaft The main bfiarihgs bg twrneetj a larger bearing is required If there is no ef P1 f 1 1 type Whlch DY0V ld IOHEI bearing hre binding or tightness it is still necessary to check They are replaceable and Vvhelil C017I QlY installed elegarzmcxe to guard against too loose a Ht Never file provide proper clearance without fllilfigr b0 1 8 either the bearing cap or the bearing to compensate emPmg or shlmmrhg Qr 8hkShal t hearrhge eeh for too much clearance Do not use shims under a be r m 9V d from this ehgme ohlY with the ehgme bearing cap or behind a bearing shell Do not run a out of the vehicle Crahkslhlert hear hg must be new bearing half with a worn bearing half The use Y Pl d 38 at Complete Set ol three h e rrhgS each of Plastigage of the proper size to measure 001 bearing eohslsrmg ef twe halves Mralh bearrhge 0 025 mm clearance is recommended for check are available in the standard size and the following ing cr ankSha t main bearing cjcara ncc The mctjwd d YSlZ of checking clearance is as follows o0 1 lo o25mm l 12 ll e 5 l a liiiemove the bearing cap and carefully wipe 002 0 0Slmm 020 0 508 mm all oil from the bearing and the journal 010 0 254mm 0El0 0 762 mm b Lay El piece of Pl astigage 3 mm The 0 l and 0O2 undersize main bearings are ehctmi gizmtahc Wldglgalof thckbgia glg across the for use with standard size cran k shafts having Journa mg wisc C Gran S a slightly worn journals The 010 020 and 030 e hlstah the oeerrhg and eap and trghteh htst undersize bearings arc Or use with undersize one nut then the other a little at a time to the crankshafts in those sizes The 012 undersize speerheo torque Ae the bearrhg tfghterrs d w bearings are for use with 010 undersize crank at d th e Johrhe1 the Pleetlgage hattehs te a shafts having slightly worn journals Bearing sizes Wrothl that rhdreetee the oeermg clearance are rubber stamped on the reverse side of each d Eilozmovcz the cap and measure the width of bearing half the lilattczmzd Plastigage using the scale printed on the edge of the envczlope The proper size Plast i gage will accurately measure clearance down to D 44 Crankshaft Main Bearing Ilnspection 0l The crankshaft journals must he carefully inspected e lf the flattened l Plastigage tapers toward as detailed previously in Par D 41 Wo rn journals the middle or toward the end or both ends there will require undersize bearings Scored Haked or is a difference in clearance indicating a taper a worn bearings must be replaced Measure the main low sspot or other irregularity of the bearing or bearing bores in the cylinder block using a telescope journal gauge and micrometer Measure the bores at right angles to the split line and at 4 5 to the split line 4 ree bores Sherrie me be over nn 0 0254 mm D 4 F Qmkehett Mem E e r out of round or 001 in taper from end to end Usmg Shim St k Also the bores should not be more then 00l Thin feeler or shim stock may be used instead of oversize considering the average diameter of the Pl11 5 lll1g 1 te h i k b 8i mg l rahe S The bore method is simple but care must be taken to protect the b eeari n g metal surface from injury by too much W pressure against the feeler stock D 45 F IttIl Ig Crapkshaft IVIJBIH E 3Il II1g 3 Cu t EL piece Of 001 HHTIU thick Usins Plastrgage M2 l2 7 mm wide feeler stock gi 3 mm After wiping and carefully inspecting the bearing shorter than the width of the bearing Coat this 51