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<- Hurricane F4 Engine Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971 Dauntless V6 Engine ->
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D HURRICANE F4 ENGINE D 112 SERVICE DIHGNOSIS Poor Fuel Economy Burned Valves and Seats Continued Ignition Timing Slow or Spark Advance Stuck Valve Tappet Sticking Carburetor Float High Valve Tappet Clearance Incorrect Accelerator Pump Not Properly Adjusted Clogged Exhaust System High Fuel Pump Pressure Fuel Leakage Valves Stacking Leaky Fuel Pump Diaphragm Warped Valve Loose Engine Mounting Causing High Fuel Level Impmppi Tappet Cieaiaiicc lll Carburetor Carbonized or Scored Valve Stems U LOW Comprcssion Insuiiicient Clearance Valve Stem to Guide Valves Sticking yiak gr Brekcen lliallve Spring Spark Plugs Bad a Vc pimg O C Spark Ping Cables Bad Ceatammated 011 Weak Coil or Condenser O h t Improper Valve Tappet Clearance ver ea mg Carburetor Air Cleaner Dirty Iaeaeaave Cooling System High Oil Level in Air Cleaner g1 i cg r E ng Dragging Brakes Front Wheels Out of Alignment Lmpl Oper gahlgc Tglmng l t Tires lmpmpcrly lnflatcd xcessilre ar on ccumu a ion inaccurate Odometer Fan Be t too Laese Faulty Fuel Tank Cap Clogged Muffler or Bent Exhaust Pipe Oil System Failure Clogged MufHer or Bent Exhaust Pipe Scored Or Lcaky Piston Rings i 3f W g g siO Popplng Spittlng Detonatlon Ignition System Timing Late g gg ggixitlon Impmpcr Functlonmg Carbm t r Or Fuel Pump Excessive Carbon Deposit in Combustion Cham Fuel Lmes Clogged bers Air Cleaner Restricted E gi T mpcrature High iggziiggix iit1Hg Improper Tappet Clearance Broken Valve Spring 2 n l A iatc Tappets Adjusted too Close Spark Plug Electrodes Burned Leaky Gaskets Water or Dirt in Fuel gcnm l gg g Clogged Lines nt x aust ipe Defective Spark Plugs Clean or Replace Improper Valve Tlmmg Defective Breaker Points Replace Points Exeeesiye 0i cqmsumptiqn i 0 C Breaker Point G p R S t Points Piston Rings Stuck in Grooves Worn or Broken Defective Ceadeaser or Q 1l Rei laee Piston Rings Improperly Fitted or Weak Loose Electrical Connect1ons Locate and piston Ring Oi Return Holes Clgggcd Tigiitcii Excessive Clearance Main and Connecting Rod Broken Valve Spring Replace Spring Bearings Br ke Piston er RiiigS R pi3 Oil Leaks at Gaskets or Oil Seals Defective Head Gaske Repla e Gasket Exeessive Clearance valve stein to Valve Guide Cracked Distributor Cap Replace Cap Intake Cylinder Bores Scored Out of Round or Tapered Lew C mP si Too Much Clearance Piston to Cylinder Bore g k3 DYI iV S I Misaligned Connecting Rods O0 is 0 mg C6 High Road Speeds or Temperature Sticking Valves Crankcase Ventilator Not Operating Valve Spring Weak or Broken Cylinder Scored or Worn Bearing Failure Tappet Clearance Incorrect Crankshaft Bearing Journal Out of Round Piston Clearance too Large Crankshaft Bearing Journal Rough Leaky Cylinder Head Gasket Lack of Oil Oil Leakage Burned Valves and Seats Dirty Oil Sticking Valves or too Loose in Guides Low Oil Pressure or Oil Pump Failure Improper Timing Drilled Passages in Crankcase or Crankshaft Excessive Carbon Around Valve Head and Seat Clogged Overheating Oil Screen Dirty Valve Spring Weak or Broken Connecting Rod Bent 70