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![Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971](/getbigpage?pageid=160294)
eep UCNIVERSAL SERIES MANUAL DHUNTLESS V 65 ZEZNGINE Contents SUBJECT PAR SUBJECT PAR GENERAL D1 1 Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection D1 68 Oil Pump Intake and Screen Cleaning D l 5 0 I ZES RIPTION Piston and Rod Assembly Dfl 4 8 g C Oun S Piston and Rod Cleaning and Inspection Dl 45 ENGINE REMOVAL D1 4 Piston and Rod Disassembl D1 44 P F y D ENGINE D1sAssE1viBLY D1 5 iglSy l g Q H6 Alternator and Fan Belt N l t 4 I UDLU tlistoriabting Fitting Dl 47 lining 1ear Replacement DZl 53 Camshaftn Dl o Roekeir Arm Assembly Dfl 6O Coolmg Ilan and Water Pump D1 12 jB o ker Arm Cleaning and Inspection Dl 59 Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Dl 21 U k r Arm Cover ilganmu Crankshaft Pulley D1 17 if C and Inspection D l 65 rankshaft Vibration Damper D1 l8 E O4 k T Arm Dig Qqembl D1 58 Cylinder Head Assembly Dl 24 L Y bh fi ky Di in Disnibntny me T g ha ag l gT I l O 66 iming t ain over eaning hvi i i 1D Ianlfold and Inspection D l 67 y l alve Installation Dfl 64 Flywheel Housing and L lut sh D1 27 VA i V I mm md Puvh Rod u 1 Pumpi DISH Zl aming and Irispection Dfl 56 make Manlfold and Vzilve Removal Dl 61 Carburetor Assembly Dl 7 Main Bearing and Crankshaft Dl 32 ELl l GillCNiEI REA SSEl ll EiLY Djl 71 Mounting Engine on Engine Stand Dl 6 Alternator and Fan Belt DZl 96 Oil Dipstick D1 16 Yaxnshaft D l 8O Oil Filter Dl I3 CilLl liCl l and Flywheel Housing Dl 79 Oil Pan Dl 29 i 1 olirig Fan DZl 95 Oil Pressure Sending Unit D1 15 llhanksliaft End Play Check Dl 74 Oil Pump Dl 19 lCiI ll Sl l3l I Front Oil Seal Dl 85 Oil Pump Intake Pipe and Sicreen D1 3O T i n1il sl1aft Pulley D1 89 Piston and Rod Assembly D1 3l lflranksliaft Vibration Damper Dll 88 Push Rod and Valve Lifter Dl 25 i l 7illTl l I Block and Crankshaft Rocker Arm Cover Dl 23 Rear Oil Seals D l 72 Starter Mlotor Dl l4 l i lllI1 l I Head Assembly Dll 82 Timing Chain and Sproc1 e1 Dl 22 l istribL1t or Dll 99 Timing Chain Cover Dl 2O iEL1 lianst Manifold D3l 98 ENGINE CLEANING INSPECTION lbllywtneel Dl 78 AND REPAIR U U U MMUDL33 lFuellr u1np Dll 97 cnnnnan Cleaning and Inspection piss j k 1 I f ld wd arb f Connecting Rod Bearing Iznspection issgirrlb Y D 101 and nn nng I Di 49 l 31 iB g me Cmmkshaft Cleaning x l W i 0 U M I I l I D1 38 iW 1E a pl ishaft Installation gll 73 Crankshaft Inspection and Repair Dl 39 if l t fV fv j 93 Crankshaft Main Bearing Cleaning l 1 il gave ipstick gl 20 and Inspection Dl 4l Phil 1 Dk 7 crnnksnnn Main Bearings D1 40 HH f me mt D1 gg Crankshaft Pulley Inspection D1 70 gl Ulmp i Dfl 76 Crankshaft Vibration Damper Inspection D1 69 Pmflpd Iigade fam Hcrfgen Swm Y Dft 75 cyunnen Binck D1 34 H l F Q 8 jsta a Dip 3 cyinnien Binck Cleaning Dias y jlm D1 80 Cylinder zsinck Inspection D1 36 j iF l k p sN gS D1 3 yQl l iglocg R ri l l W I gig cn fnnQi n i i i ei lliiiillli I biisgi yin er ea an ave epai r Cylinder Head and Valve Cleaning vlr1m1ngf ha1n Cover 1 Dl 86 and Inspection I i v M A W I H I I D1 62 Valve Igfter and I ush Rod Dll 81 Flywheel Cleaning and lZnspecti on D1 52 Wat li 1 ump Df 94 Flywlgeiel Housing C1 s D1 54 E1 ini Ni2 l NSTALLATI N D1 102 am nspection Y i Hydraulic Valve Lifter Leakdown Test Dl 57 FINAL lUN VEHICI JL ADJUSTME NTS D1 103 Main Bearing Fitting or i i I DIA I D1 104 Shim Stockmiw I MD1 42 DL43 SE RVI E GNC S Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection D1 S1 El IG lZN EZ 1SPECIFlfC A TIONS D1 105 75