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<- Dauntless V6 Engine Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971 Fuel System ->
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ee UNIVJERSAL SERIES SEJRVICE MANUAL Ul 1 m Em m j 0 9 Qt S s fi T as g o i V ii 6 i M2 1 M J oo I J t z 9 if T Y ig V jg 2 x f A A T di 3 g cf s F 4 tgi ui fi EZ Z TQ i Gig i GD m V l Z z f n 2 i ij m 0 1 1 v Q T if 1 of 2 sv M 7 T r 4 V li OQ f lflrflagja c 4 r a c s YD o o I V i VA gy 3 f i Ii 22 H l Q to x T git r 13296 FIG 1 1 s aNG1NE LUBRICATION AND cooL1NG PARTS l Bolt and Lock Washer 1 5 Dowel Pin x XA 29 Scr ew and Lock Washer 48 x 2 Fan Assembly 1 6 Water Pump Cover 30 Oil Pump Shaft and Gear 3 Fan andl Alternator Belt 7 Bolt lA 20 x 1 31 Oil Pump Cover Gasket 4 Fnn Driven Pulley l 8 Water Pump Shaft and Bcarring 32 Vnlve Bypass and Cover Assembly 5 Nate r Pump Assembly 1 9 Fan Hub 33 Oil Pressure Valve 6 Hose Clamp 20 Oil Suction Pipe Gasket 34 Valve Bypass Spring 7 I hermostat Bypass Hose 21 Oi1 Suction Housing Pipe and Flange 35 0il Pressure Valve Cap Gasket 8 Hex Head Bolt 22 Bolt 20 x 36 Oil Pressure Valve Cap 9 VV ter Outlet Elbow 23 Oil Pump Screen 37 IScr ew M 20 x I 10 VVater Outlet Elbow Gasket 24 Oil Dipstick 38 cr ew lh 20 x 1 1l Thermostat 25 Oil Pan Gasket 39 Fan Driving Pulley 12 N ter Pump Gasket 26 Oil Pan Assembly 40 lex Head Bolt K x fl 2 r1pelle and gnsirt Water Pump Sig grain giug Gasket ater ump ea Z rain ug DI 18 Remove Crankshaft Vibration Damper D 2 Remove Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Refer to Fig D1 6 Refer to Fig D1 6 Remove cap screw and flat washer wl1ich attach Use timing cover aligner and oil seal remover tool crankshaft vibration damper 1 0 crankshaft Tap 221248 to remove oil seal vibration damper with a soft headled hammer to remove it from crankshaft D I 22 Remove Timing Cham and Spocket a Temporarily install vibration dam er Fig P E Dl l9 R m v O Pl mP Dl i n bolt and washer in end of crankshaft Turn Remove five screws oil pump cover and gasket crankshaft so s rockets are sitioned with index P PO from right side of timing chain cover Remove marlras aligned as shown in Fig D1 7 This will two oil pump gears make it easier to incstall parts Remove vibration damper bolt and washer rap the wrench handle shaqply to start the bolt without changing position Dl 20 Remove Timing Cham ove r Of SpI OCk tS Refer to Fig D1 6 Refnove tv bolts attach pan to NOlS Z It 1S IlOt HGCBSSQIFY to I l 1 l V tlflllllg Cllalfl chain cover Remove five mounting bolts timing damlP rS l SS th Y are wom or damaged and chain cover and gasket from cylinder block of Y q E if F 1ac m t engma b Remove front crankshaft oil slinger Nom vvater pump must be femovrerd from timing c Remove bol t and special washer which retain chain cover before timing chain cover is removed Camliihaft d Sf b t r dYlV gear and fuel Pump from cjllinder block eccentric atforward end of camshaft Remove gear mm m and eccentric from camshaft 81