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F1 EXHAUST EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS ii iN 1 il 1Qx A A GE I A el el 7 e 9 A l II Nj is At aaai ee L K 9 E a f I e wi aes I i J ij Q VIEWA l ef el r z Vi ig a i fc k e Q f im K e 4 agi T v Lz 12793 FIG Fl I HURRICANE F4 134 ENGINE EXHAUST EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 1 A ti Backfire Diverter Valve 4 Air Injection Tube s Inside Manifold 2 Air Pump 5 Air Delivery Manifold 3 Pump Air Filter 6 Check Valve Ignition timing must be set at O or at top dead Specifications are listed at the end of this section center Check the dash pot and adjust as required Proper carburetor idle mixtureiadjustment is im HJ E h M f Id perative foribest exhaust emission control 0 X ausl em 0 The Idle adjustment should be made with the en lhe exhaust manifold 1S provided with a boss that me at normal 0 emtin tem mture and air ie dglged and taplimildat ejieb eyliedertii eeeeet the gleaner in place Aclljust tse throlitie stop screw to ee 9 wary mem O an mlec lon es idle the engine at specified RPM All lights and accessories must be turned off Fl ll MAINTENANCE fiffiicievit perf gman ie of the exhaust emission con Fi 3 carbureicr idle Seiiing ro sys em is epen en upon precise mam enance Iii additioii to the air pump and connecting hoses NOTE The idle mixture adjustment procedure for and tubes this system s efficiency is dependent the late mede1 YF 4941S end YF 6115S Caller upon special carburetor calibration distributor cen Ceebufeter equlpped Wlth the External Idle MIX trifugal advance curve and ignition timing setting Fure Llrllltir Cap ls fhg same ee eutlmed below which must be adjusted at 0 or tep dead center m Pere A ehfeueh D heweven beeeuee ef the Road test is a factory recommended optional serv Idle I jlmltef Cap the ldle Y 1X fUf Cf W CANNOT ive every 6 000 miles 9 600 km to evaluate over ige ed fteddln Elle Cglliltef ii0Ci W1Se t 11 1Cl i hd11 ceC all i ifOimaHC ion i e a jus men is ma e irorn eric s op The following procedure is recommended to assist Pesltlen and ihe mixture screw lsiiturned ln Clock in diagnosing performance and or emission level Wlse apprexlmately 34 turn te Lean Beet Idle problems that are peculiar to Exhaust Emission Refer te See E7F1g E 6 Control System equlpp d Vehicles The Lean Best Idle method of idle setting is as follows Fl l2 Ce bl el l a Any scheduled service of ignition system should Check carburetor number for proper application precede this adjustment 144