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ee p UNLVERSAL SERIES R ICE MANUAL EXI IlE1UST EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM Contents DAUNTLESS V 6 ENGINE SUBJECT PAR suujizcr PAR GENERAL F2 1 iair E ulrn1 pI tf n1 a re aim o s I g miY g Carburetor Air Cleaner F2 5 F2 23 e 1 Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve F2 6 REMOVAL PROCEDURES F2 24 Vacuum Motor Replacement F2 8 Air Pump F2 25 Air Cleaner Sensor Replaliement F2 9 Anti Backfire Valve F2 26 Replacement Procedures F2 7 Air Distribution anifold AIR PUMP F2 10 And Air Injection Tubes F2 27 AIR FILTER F2 11 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT F2 28 AIR DELIVERY AN FOL j F242 RELPLACEMJELNT PARTS F2 29 AIR INJECTION TUBES F2 13 WATRRIANTY F2 30 ANTI BACKFIRE VALVE F2 14 DIAGNOSIS GUIDE lF2 31 ENGINE COMPONENTS F2 15 MAINTENANCE CHART F2 32 MAINTENANCE F2 3 GENERAL SPECIlEi ICATIONS lF2 33 gatgugetcot F2 l6 j A RBlURETOR sr Ec1F1cATIoNs F2 34 Aiirlis ei ioe vaioef X I I I Y I X Z X I I C I Z X I Irzha I ISTFIIBUTCR SPECIFICATIONS IF2 35 Check Valve F2 20 SPARK PLUG GAP lF 2 36 F2 GENERALTV 6 Fnglule pipe a adapter elbow and an air cleaner contain The Igauntless V eng ne lzn chpugti Emission Con ing oennperature control doors operated by vacuum tI o ystem consIsts o a e t I Iveh aII Pump through a temperature sensor The heat stove is a WhIch directs conIPI essed aII thtough CCIIheetIIIg sheet metal cover shaped to and bolted on with hoses to a steel distribution manifold i nto stainless they right exhaust i hahife d Air drawn in glgng steel InjectIon tubes ih the exhaust Pott adjacent the lower edge of the stove passes across the mani to each exhaust valve This air with its normal aid Surface piekihgaip heat The heated air is oxYgen te t teacts WItIh the hot bht IheoIh drawn out from the front of the manifold through IeteIy burned exhaust gases and PeI hIIts tutthet the lheated air pipe and adapter elbow into the combustion in the exhaust port or manifold Shhrkeii Of the aii eieaheh 3 het E hat stdEm1si on Sygtem gn V6 22 deng1nes The rerrrperarnre control air cleaner is designed to Inu s e Y tocat on an eat ohInonoXI e eInIs mix this heated air with cold air from under the sIons from the exhagst sYs eIh The system ughfdes hood so that carburetor inlet air temperature aver ah eIIgIIIe esI IIe CI CW eIIIIsSI0 IIS ah eah e es bnut 115 F 46 C This mixin is don eathutetet eahhtatieh at Idle ahd part throttle i 1 o air doors a oi 1r1a1r o1oor and a not air doo The Iean catbutenon is PossIbIe because at the which move together so that when the colld air heated aIt system that Is II aI t at the EhIIssIoh door is closed the hot air door is open and vice System See Fla F2 2 With the heated air system versa NIost ofthe time both doors will be partially oPegatIng InIet aa teIhPeI atIIte Is aI ouIId II5 OF open as required to control the temperature When 46 C l after the fast few ihmutes af 1 etat a me iunderhood temperature reaches about isssr Thls makes the use ef lean het weather aah 57 C the cold air door will open wade and the gration pciissible iacpd thehvelhicle still responds and hot ai door will Close tight See Fig F2 3 Oh rives we in co weat er I pl i f d hi d t t b The engine has a ported spark advance with the g7 E ilqexair cl ealngavsiltsnorlidngterobg vacuum taI e otI just above the thtot tIe vaIve so able to control temperatures and the inlet air tem that there IS no vacuum advance at closed throttle piemture will rise with Llnderhood teh ipei atufe but there is vacuum advahee as seoh as the thtottIe The temperature doors are moved by a diaphragm is opened slightly To reduce IBTIIISSIOIQS at idle 8Hd type vacuum door When there is no vacuum pres at Iovvet ehguae sPeeds the ehgme tIIhIIIg Is such eint in the motor the diaphragm spring forces the that the dIsttIbutoI WIII hetvhave centntugal ad colld air door open and the hot air door closed vance tI1 about 900 RPM Vllhenever the engine is running the amount of F2 2 HEATED AIR SYSTEM vacuurn present in the vacuum motor depends on the teimperature sensor in the air cleaner which The heated air system on late model V6 engines is located in the vacuum line between the intake consists of a manifold heat collector a heated air manifold and the vacuum motor In the sensor a 149