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G COOLING SYSTEM and the outlet hose is connected to the water pump housing When installing a new hose clean the pipe connec tions and apply a thin layer of nonhardening seal ing compound Hose clamps should be properly located over the connections to provide secure 209 F fastening The pressurized cooling system pressure we F can blow off improperly installed hoses lee ro r G 8 Cylinder Block Any coolant leaks at the engine block water joints are aggravated by pump pressure in the water jacket and by pressure developed in the cooling system when the pressure cap is in place Small W leaks showing up only as moist spots often cannot E be detected when the engine is hot except by the E appearance of rust corrosion and dye stains where leakage evaporated Also expansion and contrac tion of the engine block resulting from extreme ternperature changes can aggravate leaks F or these E reasons when checking for coolant leaks inspect the block when it is cold and while the engine is melee A leaking drain cock or plug that cannot be stopped leaking by tightening should be replaced Leaking core hole expansion plugs should be replaced If tightening gasketed joints will not correct leak age install new gaskets Use a sealing compound where recommended G 9 Thermostat theo a The cooling system of the engine is designed FlG G 7 THERMOSTAT TEST to provide adequate cooling under most adverse conditions However it is necessary to employ some mately l0OF llOC helew the temperature device to provide quick warming and to prevent Stambed en the tnetmestat Velve Sllbmetge the overcooling during normal operation Automatic bellews eemPletely end agltate the watel tnel ellgl l control of engine operating temperature is provided ly The Valye nellld elese eemPletely lf the tnet ey e wetet flow control thermostat installed in the nlestat fells elther ef these tests rt sheulrl here water outlet of the Hurricane F4 engine The ther Plaeed wltn a new ene ef the seme tyPe end Yatlng mostat is a heat operated valve It should always be maintained in working order and the vehicle G l0 TemPe el e e d n9 uml should never be driven without one installed as The sending unit incorporates a temperature sens there would then be no control of engine tempera ing element that when it is surrounded by cold ture The temperature at which the thermostat engine coolant the unit provides the highest resist opens is preset and cannot be altered ance in the temperature gauge indicator circuit h The thermostat Oh the Hurricane F4 ehglhe is Resultant low current flow in the circuit causes the located in a housing on the top front of the cylinder lndleatel en the lnsttnnlent Panel te read et the head On the Dauntless V 6 engine it is located lew C end ef the gauge As englne eeelant tem in the thermostat housing of the air intake manifold Petatl ll e mel eaS eS the leslstanee ef the llmt lS The standard engine thermostat for the Hurricane deereesed ellewrhg an mereesed eurreht flew rh F4 and Dauntless V 6 engine has a normal rating tne elteelty maklng the lnsttllment Panel gauge of 190 F 87 8 C and should begin to open at Yegletet ln Pl ePeYtlen te the telnpetatnte ef the a coolant temperature between l80 F 82 C to engme eeelant 192 F gg C and be fully Open at 2 2eF To test the sending unit first run the engine until 94 C See Fig G 7 for method of testing lt has nadtlme enellgn te warm UP When the thermostat is net operating properly If ne readme rs rhdreeteel en the gauge cheek the the engine may run too hot or too cold Overheating Sendmg lmlt te gauge wlte by Yemeymg the wlte may damage the thermostat so that its valve will tlem the Sendmg llnlt and m em ental lly gteendlng not function properly and a cold engine will not the wn e If the gauge new lndleateS tneeendlng achieve full efficiency Rust een also interfere with uhlt s fehlty lf the gauge s ll dees hel mdreete thermostat operation To test the thermostat place the Wlre ls tlefeetrve Repelr er replete the wrre it in water heated approximately 25 F 17 C a Hurricane F4 Engine above the temperature stamped on the thermostat The thermo couple coolant temperature sending valve Submerge the bellows completely and agitate unit is mounted in the right rear of the cylinder the water thoroughly The valve should open fully head Fig G 8 and is connected by a single wire Next place the thermostat in water heated approxi to the dash unit of the instrument cluster 166