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H ELECTRICAL SYSTEM the condenser Replace the condenser If there is nect the spark plug wires from the cap one at a no jump to full voltage overhaul or replace the time and test each plug contact with the high distributor voltage lead and with all other plug wires con k With the points closed connect the voltmeter nootoCl Any Pai klng oi n t I l oD indicates that from a clean paint free post on the distributor a loakago Path XlSt between that particular COH body to the negative post of the battery The volt tact and an adjacent ono Testing tho adjacent agc drgp Shguld bc practically Zero a hardly contacts d t I 1Tll1 lC pall is at fault readable deflection on the voltmeter If the volt g Check distributor rotor Touch the test lead to meter registers a voltage drop perform the checks the spring contact in the center of the distributor in steps l and m following rotor Any leakage in the rotor insulation between I Check for voltage drop in the battery ground th contact and the Shaft will cause a drop in the cable Clean the battery post cable terminals and moto Yoatllng and usually Spafklng will be S contact surface on the bellhousing or on body if h Check spark plug wires Disconnect the spark a noticeable deflection of the voltmeter occurs plug wires from the plugs and test the plug terminal m Check for any voltage drop between the dis of 63Ch The meter reading should not drop below tributor body and a clean paint free spot on the tho oP n Sooontlafy value value b f0Y making cylinder block If there is any voltage drop remove Contact If lt lo S of if 8 lafgii spark OCCUYS Whcfl the distributor and clean the mounting surfaces of tho toot lead and the Plug wire a1 Dafat tl th f distributor and cylinder blOcl is a l I ak in th l1 1SU latiOIl OI 1 that W1I C i Check the coil tower insulation Remove the H 5 ARv R T Sli g E 3 i 3t e l Z ZZiitR ZE ltE e eTE lSEK If satisfactory ignition is not obtainable with cor around the base of the toW I Any Spafklng OF rect point gap and tension satisfactory condenser deflection of the moto indicates a leakage Path in sufficient primary voltage and correctly cleaned tho tower insulation gapped and installed spark plugs the secondary circiut should be investigated H 6 A f r f Charging System a Test the coil Bring the coil up to operating All jeep Universal Series vehicles have as standard temperature using the coil heat feature of a coil equipment a 35 amp 12 volt negative ground tester if available Refer to the coil tester manu alternator and a transistorized voltage regulator facturerrs instructions for specific hook ups for For repalring the alternator many of les major p ff0fn 11 g th checks g1V n ln St P bt o and Cl components are furnished as complete assemblies following including complete brush assembly which requires A b Connect the positive lead of the tester to the no soldering or unsoldering of leads two complete battery terminal of the coil primary winding Con rectifying diode assemblies which eliminate the nect the tester ground lead to the coil tower Mea need for removing and replacing individual diodes sure the resistance of the secondary winding If the a complete isolation diode assembly and a rotor resistance is more than 20 000 ohms a fault in the assembly complete with shaft pole pieces field coil secondary winding is indicated and slip yingsh c Check for a grounded secondary by touching The transistorized voltage regulator is an electronic the tester ground lead to the coil cover If resistance switching device It senses the voltage appearing is not over 100 000 ohms the secondary is grounded at the auxiliary terminal of the alternator and to the cover supplies the necessary field current for maintaining d If the secondary winding is satisfactory mea thc System Voltago at th outPut terminal Thi Out sure the primary current draw in accordance with Put current is determined by th battery electrical the instructions of the test equipment manu load Such as hffadllghts h at f t facturer The transistorized voltage regulator is a sealed unit e Check the secondary circuit for leakage With has no edltletmenteo and must be tebleeed as 3 the coil primary in the circuit with the breaker unit Complete umt of the tester connect a long high tension test lead to the coil tower Check the secondary circuit for H 7 Startmg System leakage by Poffotnnng the checks given ln toP The operation of the starter motor is controlled by f g h and l followlng the ignition switch The starter is made up of a Note In the following tests a slight sparking and tteme Held COIL atfnatute end btushee motor danaotlon Wm usually ba Soon just as Contact The starter solenoid electrically closes the circuit is made This is caused by capacitance and does not betvlfeeb the battery and the etettet metet when indicate defective insulation the ignition key is turned to its extreme right the solenoid is energized and closes the battery to f Check distributor cap Remove the coil lead from Staytcpmotoy cimuie the cap and touch the test lead to the center contact inside the cap If the meter reading drops when the Netei All Jeep Ublveteal Setlee Vehicles have the Contact ls touched pr if sparklhg is seen a leakage starter solenoid switch secured to the starter motor path is present between the center contact and one assombly The Hurrleane F4 and Dalmtlees V 6 M Of the plug towers This leakage path will be lh the engine Prestolite starter drive is of the inertia type form of a crack or carbon track in the cap Discon text continued on page 176 1 74