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ee p UNIVERSAL SERIES SERVICE MANUAL J control levers and remove arms Remove the shift conntershaft needle bearings in the countershaft levers and then remove the sleeve poppet balls gear hub using special tool W 166 with loading spring and interlock pin Check the oil seal care sleeve as shown in Fig 9 and 10 Place the fully for oil leakage and replace if necessary Sj Il 2Z3 C I inside the hub and insert the special tool in b If ll is evident that a nllnnnlnn elearanee Of the spacer Place a washer at each end of the spacer O01 ld 007 07025 a 0 178 nnnrl eanndt bc and load a set of bearing rollers at each end Then obtained between the end of the interlock sleeve aelrl a washer a Sel Or hearlhg r ll rs ahrl h hally a nd the shift levers even though the longest sleeve allhrlher Washer at eaeh ehd te eelhplere the a has been installed replace the existing sleeve with ej lhhlY Plaee the eellhtereharr gear aSSerhhlY lh an lnterldek Sleeve Servlee I lll tlliie case but do not install the countershaft until VVhen assembling the interlocl sleeve be sure that t lll mhmShaft allfl mam d Y gosh are msthhed the shift lever poppet spring works freely inside the do VVh i asselhhhhg rherhalhehalr gearsi the law interlock sleeve and that the mterleel pin is me a l reverse sliding gear is installed with the shift Oynllftgd fI OI f inside the Spylylrlslr Sllilolli gYOOV tOWEiI Cl IIC I I OIIt of tI 3 I1SIT11SSlOI1 If the notched surfaces of the shifting lever are e j he sequence of assembly of the synchronizer dirty or rough they should be cleaned and unlt is shown in F ig J 4 First install the two smoothed If notched surfaces are scored or dam sjliilrings in the high and intermediate clutch hub aged the lever should be replaced with the spring tension opposed Place the right Each time an interlock sleeve or shift lever is lipjpecl end of one spring in a slot of the hub and replaced check the clearance between the inter place the spring in the hub Turn the hub around lock sleeve and the shift lever and make exactly the same installation with the otlher spring starting with the same slot In J 1O Tr ansmlssl0n lnspaclllon stall the three syncxhronlizer shifting plates in the al Wash the transmlssmn Casa lrhgmughly inside tllreze slots in the hub with the smooth side of the l l plates out Hold the plates in position and slip the and Outsldc Wlth Cleaning SOl vhnt second and direct speed c1u1 ch sleeve over the hub b Check bearing and shaft bores Inspect the case Wllll tlne leng beveled edge tdvvard the 1Ong part for cracks Check the front and rear laces and dress Ol the Clutch null lnstall the tvvd bleeklng rlngs off any burrs with a fine mill file If cracks are found One dn eaen Slde Of the hnb lnstall the edmpleted Or the beres are het true r Pl l e the ease assernbly on the mainshaft with the beveled edge c Clean and inspect all gears and bronze blocking of the clutch sleeve toward the front end of the rings for cracks chipped or cracked teeth or ex shaft SSiv Wear or the teeth f Install main drive gear bearing onto the main d Inspect all bushings and bearings for wear or drive gear shaft using tool KF 128A dhmhgo VVhen installing the mainshaft use care that 9 Check iirst and F V 1 S Slldlllg g 3Y lb lr1 d0m ghe nee dle bearing rollers in the main drive gear Oil mcvcmcnf OH th m3l Sh3lli are correctly positioned Use heavy grease to hold f Check the clutch sleeve to see that it slides tlflirmlfl position for assembly rreel Y Oh the hhh h The countershaft gear set when assembled in g Check the condition of the bearing retainer oil the case should have 012 to 018 0 305 a 0 457 seal m rn end play This clearance is obtained by se le tive thickness of the rear steel thrust washer wlxiich is available in O555 and 0625 1 410 a J 11 Transmission Reassenrlnbly l 7 rrlml tlllclmsss T9O T86AA v l s l Alter installation of the front and rear bearing Refer l 0 Fig I5 l 7 retainers on the mainshaft turn the transmission Assemble the unit in the reverse order of disas over to allow the gears to mesh and also to permit sembly noting the following points 8 l l glI lI1 1 1t and installation of the countershaft a Olil circulation is provided between the trans l TO lrlsrall the Carmrarslaalet asar sat lrl the mission and transfer case by the addition of drilled Calslal arse lrrseall ella larac brrmac thrust Washer passages helweeh the two hhll s Ths rear lace or at the front of the czase with the lip of the washer the trhhlsmlssloh Cash ls dhlllscl Yillll two ile entered in the slot of the case Use heavy grease l l ll hlhll holes hhhl two lll lorsjs hllh l h l S to lholdl this washer in position Next install the The hflhl face ol the llshslhl hhs ls Clllllhd Wllh steel thrust washer at the rear of the case Start who i l i ll l ll hlhllholes ts roglslsli Wlt h those the countershaft into the case just enough to hold dlllled lh the llrhhshllssloh Case Whsll lhhlllhg r this washer in place Align the slot in the counter hlaoshlellt or elthel hhlt or osslsl ll ls llhlholtshlf that shaft with the slot in the reverse idler gear shaft lhallhg halls be lhslallerh that ls lr h ll ahslhlss loh to permit installation of the lock plate Be sure the Case ls Clrllled use el drllled lrhllsrer hash IF ls llh thrust washers are correctly positioned Then horlellll that the Correol saskclw hhvlhg ohohlhgs for position the bron ze faced washer against the rear oll hhsshge be llsed Wllh the ll llle l oss ss end of the gear and place the gear in its running b Position the reverse idler gear in the case and positiion Tap the countershaft through the counter install the shaft using care that the slot at the shaft shaft gear set and the case forcing out the special en d is correctly aligned to receive the lock plate tool VV l66 e Assemble the spacer six washers and four j Attach the transfer case to the transmission 247