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jee UNIVERSAIJ SERIES fElEF I ICE l IA NliJAL 1 Hat washer lock washer and iixxtr q Check the complet traiisniissioii for operationi A r Install transmission ease cover M NIE l I ll ll l J 15 I TMA TRAN V Oll I lll T he TMA is a three speed fully synchronized all Y i if is forward gears transmission with helical drive gears W ii e 4 iil throughout i A W ff The main drive gear is support 2d by a ball hearing i at the front end of the trarisinissioii ease and is iii W piloted at its front end in an oi impregnated bush 12585 Wig IT10l1lll i ll tll Cl Eilll SI i jfI FIG J 16 REpVIOVINrG NKAIN IDFZIVEQ The front end of the mainshaft is piloted in a row GEAR BEARING of roller hearings set into the hoilovr engl of the main i W 329 Pune drive gear and the rear end in married by a ball l E1I lllg Tll l lli Cl in il f TEST lZi iil Yili SiOl NESS d fQ H OV nah dyivg ggay bggyiylg yijf llgigy ayiil The counter gear is earrieri on a single row of gm t t H mth dS Thr CY l i1 f 5 i3 d e lf ernove main drive gear and z il sl ai i hearing on a single row of rollers ir the renter I lAirt1st is gmm m S taken on thrust washers located itmtweeii the ends if J A A of the counter and reverse idler gear and the thrust f t jImY i6 uw m iui drive gcai I m m m Shaf K be A r ngs using hearing puller set v 329 Refer to bosses in the 3SC t Tiltili A T 1 7 The three forward gears low seeond third are It J A ml J fully synchronized The synehronizer assemblies consist of clutch hulis clutch sie ver clutch springs and three synehronizer plates and are retained on will T the maiilshaft by a seleet Fit snap ring 4 The shift is manual through ri caricc shift lever and il AAA Ky lp A V i m erloek assembly to the rearvirard shift fork l lliA AA operating low and reverse gear arid to the forward f a A IQ T Ly i j fj v shift fork operating second Z1 nd third gear iw r v J 16 TRANSMISSION DISA f SENIBI Y 4 AA A TMA l i iAA AAA Refer to F l 15 Qi x aa If the transfer ease is aiiavlied e i aArate it from Af the traiisznissiwn hy reinovizzig the five eirapserews lo rf xii l I and loekvrashezs M JQ IR ii Eb Remove cane shift iiousing cover and gasket 4 from iop of transmissit si ease The shift housing cover can he iiisassemE i d f zieeessary at this point by removing the shifi mils poppet balls gg springs and shift forks Refer to Fig I4 0 Remove nut and flat washer securing transfer case drive gear on the mainshaft Remove transfer Ai ease drive gear adapter and spacer Refer to VJ Fig l5 r r img W rr FUEL i i7 rRI M0vrN 3 MAINSHAFT r i ARrNG M b g NNW 7 tf 1 vv 29 Puim A I s 5 g iii v mam rive gear rom irarisinissiori east G h lli E err 1ove mainshaft and gears as an assembly J through the ease eover opening shown in Fig A if ii Q L A r q J l J r r i i Remove the lorkplate by tapping Alightly on the i ili front end of the eountershaft and reverse idler AA M shaft Remove lo Al plate from slots in shafts Refer mm to Fig l 9 j Usairig Tool W 335 drive the eourrtershaft rear FIG J g SiI l 4 r Q if Diml lE ward out of the ease shown in Fig 20 The J eourzterslhaft gear assembly will drop to the bottom of the ease Using Tool will ensure that the iig t i s rse rum airm roller tzzearings will remain in the eountershaft 5 Nm hub alnd may be removed as an assembly 251