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<- Four Speed Transmission Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971 Propeller Shafts and Universal Joints ->
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eep UNIVERSAL SERIES SERVICE MANUAL K TRHNSF ER CHSZE Conten1 a SUBJECT PARt GENERAL 4 K I T RAN SFER CASE REI OVAL K 2 TIEEANSFER CASE DISASSQEEZQMBLY 4 Front Bearing Cap K 4 Flear Bearing Cap K 5 TlEElANS FER CASE REASSEl lj BI Y K 6 TRANSFER CASE INSTALLATLON KJ TRANSFER CASE LINKACEJEE AD lUSTl ENT li 8 SElEiiVIClE DIAGNOSIS K 9 SPIEZLCTFICATIONS K l0 K ll GENEERAI K ill Removal of Transfer Case Ali 4 Whe ei driVe models ere equipped with 8 The transfer case may be removed from the vehicle tremsfer ease to eormeet the ioower to the troiit without removing the transmission VVhere both axle It is essentially a two speed transmission rr i i igir iSr i iri end trerrsrer ease are td he removed l ocated at the rear of the staridard transmission rO Yell er refer re Serf ieri l Te rerrreve Only the and provides a low and direct gear t1 3i fiil f C3S from the V h1Cl E proceed as follows The tjignsfgr ease gears ere Cgnirrglligdi by the driver a Drain transmission and transfer case and replace through OYIQ shift lever Early eep Universal dfailfl plugs l Iodels with the F4 l34 Hurrioane engine are b Qji is4 on ec1 the ibrake cable equrpped Wrrh two trensrer ease srrrrr eenrrer levers c ll i c o miect front and rear propeller shafts at a On Vghjclgs equipped png transfer Cggg the lI 3llSZli I C3S SEE PI OpE ll 1 Sl 13i tS afld Unl slhift lever the transfer case shift lever has four V Y l l01 tS positions 2WD High 4WD High Neutral and d ll is onnect speedometer cable at transfer case low The forward position of the lever 2WD e jljjligr omineet the transfer case shift levers On gfligh allows li Y g g I Tilly td drives Tae veh ir le s equipped with two shift levers loosen irst rear position ig 1 hhzgiagrfs I 6 Set r er e w and remove pivot pin Use a screw driver wheel drive arid r r vid rS high reiierr 4 vvheei drive to rw shift iever springs away from shift ievers Thfi 0 d ma POSIUOU N Ulmll dlsengages all Lift levers from transfer case On models equipped Pewer td lhe vvhr r 1S irid rs iiired rO r sirerrerlrjrry with a single shift lever remove pivot pin cotter P0W Y takeoff Operations The lasit Year Pflsrtron key and the adjusting rod attaching nut to remove 4WD Low provides low range 4 iwheel drive shift iever See Fig K 4 b OU vehiicies Bquipped with l W transfer ease f Eliernove cover plate on rear face of transfer case shift levers the transfer case front axle drive lever Remove Cotter key rmt and Washer from trems left hand lever gives a choice of 2 wheellor 4 mission mem shaft Wage lr f B 2InhthT Cjrzrrvrigr lifosmze gse g If jposscfible at this point remove the transfer Vs lc rs m tYw ie 4mv le ev O 8 case niain drive gear from the transmission main rear m pcsl len Or W ee Ne gpera mm shaft If not possible see step j below The 4 wheel drive auxiliary range shift lever right h 7 V f r hand lever has three positions low neutral and rpernevri trans rr Case rerq ue reaprrpp supperr high I he forward position low gives low range r i rr belt and ppp 4 W l dI iV The center position neutral dis I Fii 3I 11 DVlE5tI 3DSI Il1S S10 Il to tI HnSf I CBSS bOItS engages all power to the wheels and is used for Remove transfer case If the transfer case main stationary power take off operations A lZ Ll1lt l1 1 in driviz gear has not been removed in step g above terlock prevents shifting into low range 2 wheel proceed as follows Brace the end of the trans drive This feature protects the rear axle from over inissiion main shaft so that it cannot move in the load transrriissirnn pull the transfer case to the rear to 267