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eep UNIVERSLAL SERIES MANUAL 0 eelu geisggnbly deiggthsgyellij the Oper ELQJETQQHQW plastic tttptppt type tptp ptppppp mg dm Ou mm un G VC IL I now available for the Ross steering gears The new bearings replace and are interchangeable with 0 24 Dl53 mblY of St l 9 66 3 the lock ring type cam bearings on gears equipped Refer to Fig O 2 with early type carrts When the steering gear arm isrinstalled on early Vvyrr h arllusrlrlg Shlms ln place assemble upper production vehicles the line acl oss the face ofrthe Crrvrir gmrl adjust the Cam brrarlrlgsr mm and th F d el the Shaft S h Ou1d be m align Assemble lever shaft in housing and with gasl et m nt Om later pmdufmm Vfihuilfse blmd splines in place assemble the side cover and set adjusting Cm the lever Shag mid m this l l fmg gear arm Cn screw for a minimum backlash of the studs in the Sum Cmimct l OSlUCU mg Of the arm cam groove with the steering gear at the center 3 Remove the steering gear arm with a puller poll 1t ly3V l C 3646 Vllhen assembling upper bearing spring and spring Cautiori Do not use a haniir er oriredge to re llirjackgt Fulm lgakitsum t qgijgtlqisfzgi lzlg move the steering arm from the shaft and lever Fi En LEUCC Y S the begun and This can cause damage to the shaft assembly kr JSE n dj Ori ngO lOI9l dggm g no r i t l b Loosen the lock nut and unscrew the adjusting screw two turns CZl Zilf l Installation of Steering Gear c Remove the side cover screws and washers Re al Afrgr rhg gear has been properly adjusted as move the Slde COVCY and gaSk 3t Llllll Fl Cl in Par O 5 install steering gear assembly d Remove lever shaft in chassis in the reverse order in which it was re e Remove upper cover plate screws Remove cam nno ve l wheel tLll1 1I 1C ll3 8YlI1g3SS UillllQY from the housing tl A ftt r installing the assembly in the vehicle f Clean all parts with suitable cleaning solvent and jacltz up front of vehicle and place the front wheels wipe dry in the straight ahead position g After dismantling as outlined above is corn c Temporarily install the steering wheel to locate pleted inspect cam grooves Bur wear chipping and the mlidtlposition of the steering gear To locate the scoring also the ball races on the cam ends and the rni Eltposi tion turn the steering wheel as far to the Separate ball cups Existence of any of these condi right as possible and then turn in the opposite di tions indicates the necessity for parts replacement r ec l ion as far as possible noting the total number h Inspect the tapered stud mounted on the lever ef il V S Turn th Wheel bask Jllslt L2 Qi the wml Shaft Op plat Spms and Chipping ln the Case Og movement to place the gear in mid position either replacement is usually aclvisable Inspect the ci Vl ith the steering gear in mid position and the lever shaft for wear and test the fit of the shaft in wheels in the straight ahead position install steer the bushings ing gear arm on lever shaft with the ball end down i Inspect condition of the oil seal at outer end of l Vll C mstaued th lme QCWSS tk face Of the arm lever shaft and the bearing at top end of steering l End sf Shaft Sheuld be m allgnmenh column ZZ ii2T Steering Wheel Installation O 25 Reassembly of Steering Gear tm lRefer to Fig O 2 Refer to Fig O 2 Eli I Install steering wheel and spring on shaft Reassemble all parts to wheel tube in reverse order Ahgn Scribe mafks On Shaft and hub Of Wh 1 of dismantling Assemble cam wheel tube and li I s i3ll t Tmg Shaft mit and lOY lu 20 tO 25 bearing assembly in housing seating the lower lli l liztig 3 3t l l g m l bearing ball cup in the housing Install horn cap Test horn 321