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Jeep UNllVERSAL SERIES MANUAL 5 SPRINGS HND SHOCl E Z HBSORBERS Contents SUBJECT PAR SUBJECT PAR Pivot Bolts A S 3 Spring Removal 4V 4 Sr 4 Shock Absorbers V A A S 7 Spring Shackles S 2 Spring Installation 4 S 5 U S 1ackles 4 V S 6 S 1 GENERAL S eri r1gs should be examined periodically for broken Semielliptical leaf springs are used for all models Ol Sglhlltcdl 1 aV S leeee OY mlssmg Tebalmd CllPS The springs are hung longitudinally from the frame a lg l el Sprmg shaCkl S and Posmcm el Springs side rcuc by means cr brackets welded to the rails ell l he edddlee Splmgs wield Sldlleed leaves de dee All axles ate htmly attaehed te the springs by U have theirlnormal strength Missing rebound clips belts sexing dips spring saldtl les Welded te the may permit the spring leaves to fan out or break uheletslde ef the axles ahd setlha plates under the on rebound Broken leaves may make the vehicle springs Early medel DJ 5 and I J 6 heat axles I har tl to handle orlpermit the axle tosshift out of beam are attached te the setlhgs Wlth eehVeh line Weakenedsprings may break causing difficulty tlehal belts and setlha plates Sbtlha eehtet belts in S l I lH g Spring attaching clips or bolts must be are inserted in the axle spring saddles to prevent l a t has Suggested that they be cheeked dt edeh shifting Of the axle vehlcle inspection and torqued 45 to 55 1b ft All front springs except as noted below are pro lad a 7 6 kg m l vided with shackles at the front ends of the springs and pivot bolts at the rear ends of the springs Sr 2 Spring Shackles Medel CJ 5 date Serial Ne el443 7 ddd Medel r2 rr1 rbcrbucbcd shackles arc provided OH all current C 6 up te Sellal NO Uggll am PYOVl l d Wlth pr o iuc1 ion vehicles The steel backed rubber shackles ee the mar ellds el tilde lYOllt llplmgsr and sarilent bloc bushings are pressed into the spring PWOY bOl S at thc lfe e c d eyes and mounting brackets The shackle bolts NOf6Z Models CJ 5A and CJ 6A are equipped with algiljlgia lisc hl rl l gll h al 1 af Steel back th t r t t t d 1 z er a 113 l 1 n e sprmgs is ij j E EE j L cbb crr rb the rubber bbcbrbgc All rear springs are provided with shackles at the All vehicles produced before early 1957 were rear end and pivot bolts at the front end equipped with U shackles and threaded core bush 1 FllG S 1r FRONT SPRING V AND SHOCK ABSORBER W EARLY CJ 5 and CJ 6r IB 1 Front Shock Absorber Bracket 20 q Axle Bumper il is Tl 4c eu Br1r Q Bracket W 3 V 7 I 1vot Bolt I7 Ib 2 j r x Nbr l jill l V e b 9 Front Sprlng Assembly bbc l lLr i1 2 is 2e e ee M la la l aes an at Nut Z ll iTZ l 1 e b1 B 2 l l be aa 17 r Jl r r b Q l t tz s r l2 lllltl l l Bushlnii l 9 il JF K Q I liolfkqllisorlner Assembly e lo i Tf E lvg el w us 2 11901 345