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J i UNlLY l E AL SEELLS E EEE EJ MIISCELLHNEZOAUS Contents SUBJECT PAR SUBJECT PAR Abbreviations 4 U 15 Heater 4 U l0 Extra Equipment 4 V V U 2 Mliscellaneous Data V U 16 Front Bumper Weight i U 9 Pintle Hook 4 U 7 Governor i i i U 3 Sp e i al Tools J i T U All Governor Adjustment U 4 Torque Specifications V L 13 14 15 Governor Maintenance U 6 Standard and Recommended Tools U 12 U 1 GENERAL U 5 Novi Governor Operation Miscellaneous information included in this section The Novi governor his directly belted to the E4 includes coverage of extra equipment special tools engine as no clutch is provided to disconnect the torque specifications and charts and tables drive To operate the vehicle WITHOUT governor con U 2 EXTRA EQUIPMENT trol posh the governor hand control all the way Much of the utility of the leep Universal is due to I Pl al amSt the mstnjment pand 1 the extra equipment which has been designed to TO Opera te the Vehicle WITH govcmm adapt it for farming and industry The mainte Pull th ig0V Y OI h d Control h ndl out hc hence ahd use of some Ot this equipment is out hand control has nine notched positions Pulling the iihsd ih this s stiOh control out to the first notch sets the controlled engine speed at approximately 1000 rpm and U 3 Goyerncr Assenqbly each successive notch increases theispeed 200 rpm The Novi eovemor is Sopehed for modeie equipped until 2600 rpm is reached in the ninth notch The with the F4 eheihe This ie e eehtrifoeoi type hand control may be released by turning the han governor and is illustrated in Fig U 2 Ciomplete 3 5hOni i lartqr tllrnbuf th rdfc fi g I Ovcmlor installation instructions are supplied with each l hcngmc li img Spit Ccogtmiieg eh me assembly Adjustment and operating procedures ccmvm an con TO Ou 6 b d g ere given below speed may be exceeded at any time y epressing the foot accelerator in the conventional manner to secure a greater carburetor throttle opening than U 4 governor Adjustrnent that determined by the governor hand control a Adjust the carburetor to obtain smooth engine s t1 ing idle at 600 rpm then stop the engine b Ch eck throttle linkage ito ensure maximum U tE Governor Maintenance throttle opening Be certain that throttle and governor hnkoee is hee llne belt tension may be adjusted by raising or lowering the governor in the slotted holes in the c Place the carburetor throttle in wide open posi mounting bracket Keep the pulleys and belt free tion and pull the governor control handle out to of dirt and oil Belt slippage will affect governor the last notch Adjust the governor to bellcrank operation and a tight belt may cause rapid wear rod so that the linkage will hold the carburetor of the governor shaft and bearings Adjust it to throttle in wide open position allow Xa 12 7 mm depression midway between d Close the governor control and start the engine film PUUCYQS Wlth thumb P c SuY Again pull the control out to the last notch and h l h Ql WCM Of the mtenfal Parts fO they adjust the length of the cable at adjusting yoke so l l 1 2 1 Thi 0 l iY hmlslggslarc Ell that 1 he engine will run at 2600 rpm Close the Wit Pt an Yam P USS an 8 SO W1 EVE control to recheck the linkage for free action and md l aU lg Plugs Check the 11 1 v 1 t h v h 1 to make sure the engine will return to 600 rpm l b l Ti ind 33ngF thch 011 a h tif the Eno jdlg Speed gme oi isc ange using t e same gra e oi use If the engine runs faster than this speed loosen m mc gm the lock nut which locks the governor hand control EZ D hh th h h gmgic Qrhdash tO the ed we bac se the rEf 2 T l orfo 3vororrr ZrE2i Iov E g r1rE1Z an e mm t C Carburctpr Idle Spccd dJuStmg control and possibly cause damage to governor in mw bm the Stop T1g t the lock aut oorro The capacity of these governors is In the absence of electrical tachometer equipment two Hurd ooneee 5915 omg The hher pine is g gi dj iy e gig i jh i StY i d L e oloio or vent which shoiild be oiooooo thoroughly at z lh h h t t the front wheel drive is not engaged VV hen driving f if i Ei the rear wheels in high or direct transmission gear the speedometer will read from 13 to 15 mph U 7 Pmtle H k 21 6 to 24 0 kph at an engine speed of from 900 l he standard type pintle hook Fig U 1 affords a to 10 0 rpm safe easy hitch for towing a trailer or other vehicle 357