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<- Miscellaneous Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971 Alphabetical Index ->
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eep UNTELQAL SER IES MANUAL ll P1 1L LeY sr E Ds R P M 8 12 0 scM1 PULLEY 1 1 mmo Guverner Y Engine Gentrel T RANSMISSI ON Speeds Pimsltlens Lew Inter High AS M T TF W E i T1H 17 YF W fiiihii 7 i T H T fibii T411 B l i T W Wi TEE i T1E i A mT VET H f1 Z1E i 11 7 i iigml W W i1iT1l 1T n EES E T i Y ET EEi mzE T T T K 755 H Q Q E i V V Wi EQ 6 i0 SF L NEl SHAFT HOIREiEZPOWER The chart below shows the draw at the maximum approved weight bar horsepower at the governor 3500 lbs 1590 kg moving at controlled engine speeds and the the sipeed shown and exerting a horsepower at the spline shaft with draw bar pull of zero pounds the vehicle stationary Also is thr u1gh 1 200 pounds 544 kg shown the horsepower available at maximum recommended in steps the spline shaft with the vehicle of 300 pounds 136 kg 11 1 All 1 m sptmz SHAFT Governed Vehicle 7 Y v vW i Z 100E i T r 7 Engine Speed Draw Bar Vehlcle ti p A 7 1 Dwi 2 iUl 322 592512 l1 2 LL1 Pull lI uII Pull Pull Pull i T1 11 MET WFYT0 TET E m iY i YiT i H M 0EY Ei iEiC je EL jlifiii E Q j i I 1400 3 1 111 111 24 5 20 8 111 a 15 9 13 3 111 1 TWHYW gx miE iE AK Y illl 7i1 0i4ET 7 Tv iEi 31 MM Z T 1 EB 5Ti it Qli M lJET7 lgiium M7 DI 7 i7ZE1T0 MK T3 Y 11 HM i z X l TQM 4 133 iiiiiii i0 E 1iW0 AFA ii iiiirv AZT WT it 7 1E M i 0liib 1 0ill iE vnii ii i 7EE iiW ii l E l E A 2400 5 4 17 24 33 0 33 0 13 0 y 29 8 25 4 I 21 2 i00 1E117 i E W i0TalE ET4 MEM i4Z1sY0i Zi11 i vehiele speed in law transmission and transfer case ratlus Base1I on maximum repemmendadl draw bar null for continuous service I200 Lbs 367