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l e s p UNI VERSAL SERIES SIEEIICE MA NI T A I F EXHHUST SYSTEHVI Contents SUBJECT PAR SUBJECT PAR GENERAL F 1 Exhaust Manifold Installation i F 6 Dauntless V 6 Engine Exhaust System F 3 Exhaust Pipe s Replacement F 8 Hurricane F4 Engine Exhaust System F 2 Heat Control Valve Replacement F 7 Muffler Replacement l F 9 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS F 4 Tail Pipe Replacement F 10 EXHAUST SYSTEM SERVICING F 5 EXHAUST SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS F ll F I GENERAL F 2 Hurricane F4 Engine Exhaust System The major components of the exhaust system Figs On the Hurricane F4 engine the exhaust and in F 1 F 2 and F 3 are the exhaust ma nifold s ex tal ne manifolds are separate units The intake mani haust pipe s muffler and tail pipe Differences in fold is cast as an integral part of the cylinder head the exhaust system occur depending on whether and zis completely water jacketed This construction the vehicle is equipped with the Hurricane F4 or transfers heat from the cooling system to the in Dauntless V 6 engine take riser and assists in vaporizing the fuel when T T the engine is coldl Note For service information on exhaust emission VV 1 h h h I control systems refer to Secztion Fl and F2 of this lt I li is CO S llcmOn t ere is no Bet Comic manual valve on the engine and the only function of the M exlziaust manifold is to gather and direct the exhaust 4 v i l o l 5 y g 11 i ii l l i a ww i ii E a 5 ii a to 42 Q I7 I1 11 lp 4 1 Y W ila i 6 5 iiiai i i in 4 5 r 1 is 2 0714 FIG F 1 HURRICANE F4 ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEM EARLY MODEL ll Exhau st Pipe 1il Brackct fil Clamp 12 Insulator 3 Exhaust Pipe Extension 13 Bracket il Clamp 14 Nut and Lockwasher Ei Tail Pipe 15 Washer 5 Muffler 1 6 Bolt 7 Clnmp 1 7 lG ske1 JE Support Strap 18 Bolt 9 Bolt is Nut l l Suppoxrt Strap if 137