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![Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971](/getbigpage?pageid=160570)
eep UNIVERSAL SERIElQQi EE1VICE MANUAL L PROPIEZILIIEZR SHIHFTS HND UN V ERSElL I OIN TS Contembs SUBJECT PAR GVENERAL V L I Needle Bearing and Trunnion 4 L 2 Snap Ring Type Assembly 4 L 4 Snap Ring Type Disassemtily 4 4 L 3 U Bolt Type Assembly 4 L 6 U Bolt Type Disassembly 4 L 5 PROPEZLLER SHAFTS ANI UNIVERSAL Cl INTS SPECIFICATIONS 4 L 7 L 1 GENERAL clieolsed for foreign matter around the shafts The drive Of Jeep 4 wheej d dVe LI i V 3rS3 1mOd 1S dlented or bent shafts and loose attaching bolts from the transfer case to the front and rear axles is through two tubular propeller shafts each shaft I 2 N B d B 3 Q and T u having two cardan cross universal joints The drive Un V Jomt of eep 2 wheel drive models from the trans Elaeh shaft is equipped with a splined slip joint at mission to the rear axle is through a tubular pro one end to allow for variations in length caused by peller shaft having two cardan cross universal vehicle spring action Some slip joints are marked joints with arrows at the spline and sleeve yoke Fig Propeller shafts and universal joints should be I 3 VV hen installing align the arrows in the same plane If unmarked with arrows align the V yolges at the front and rear of the shaft in the same 4 X parallel plane This is necessary to avoid vibration nil 4r 4 A ll the universal joints used are similar in construc 2 W o E t 5 t1 2n except that some are of the U bolt type and 3 gy is r A T 11 AT V i e r i i 5 i or N N W e Q i ig r o Ti V i V V V iii j V j I i or i eq 9 P iiiii i i e I i g i i M R K K if i 5 9 5 I it I 5 FIG I a2 ARRow MARKrNos jFil others of the Snap Ring type This difference 2 H I 10003 is in the attachment of the joints only These universal joints have needle bearings and FIG L 1 UNIVERSAL JOINTS are so designed that correct assembly is a very sim l Smp Ring p On Tube ple matter No hand fitting or special tools are 2 ourna1 O U Bolt requ u d E Q g K E i If iEiT1 gjj u N L 3 fSn ap Ring Type Disassembly gjggfg QQ 2jj e E d Thizs type joint is illustrated in Fig L l To re 1I a 5 O Q 0 0 0 Fl G L 3 PROPELLER SHAFT C7 eg AND UNIVERSAL JOINT ee he T 1 U Bc lt Nut Q I I z vmrpmz r gy dj V 5 eii Z j washm J 9 4 Universal joint journal 5 LUbflC8 lOD Fitting Q 6 S ap Ring omg zrissarzra visazt 5 V5 lg llgxilcilggsaffrglxia Shaft Tube 11440 275