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<- Rear Axle Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971 Steering System ->
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N REAR AXLE A A i Keep side gear and rotating tool in position 6 it by holding with hand Insert the forcing screw down rggp AA i A zgp nlgp A A VV g E A V TA through the top of the case and thread into the i I liilni iihm rotating tool Refer to Fig N 58 v A A V A Position both pinion mate gears exactly as 3 A i in shown Be sure the holes of the gears are lined up A Agll with each other Hold gears in place by hand See t l i o Fig N 59 AA k Tighten forcing screw so that the Belleville A g A A l MA springs will compress and allow clearance between the teeth of the pinion mate gears and side gears iii E i if Vl v g A A v N ill A AA AAA A if A A i s G 2 I eocilo A FIG N 57 POSITIONING GEAR ROTATING TOOL i g Assemble the other clutch pack and side gear exactly as shown Be sure the clutch pack stays V assembled onto the side gear splines and that the 2 retainer clips are completely seated into the pockets A fl Z of the case Refer to Fig N 56 1 A h Position the gear rotating tool into the top side AAA a A AAA E A A A V AA AAAAAAA A AA A A A A gear xi T f lil i i L W M i T Z V Ainiiininn i inninn g i W i if ii v E t 25 i i i z E A mo N 60 ROTATING 1 1N1oN MATE GEARS A L 1NTo Pos1T1oN ixli it I While holding the pinion mate gears in place A insert the pawl of the rotating tool between one of the side gear teeth as shown Pull on handle so that the top side gear will rotate and allow the MAA Q A pinion mate gears to rotate and enter into the case A A A A Note As mentioned before it will probably be gif git 4 2 A A l i v AAAA T necessary to adjust the forcing screw by very I KA A A A Z W A slightly loosening or tightening until the required AAA A AAAA A A load is applied to the Belleville plates or discs to AAA A A AAAAAAAAA A allow the side gear and pinion mate gears to rotate A t i v A 2 sx l i EM i 143 FIG N s8 THREAD1NG FORCING SCREW INTO ROTATING TOOL i l A v A AAAVA E lif t iea A ii i zie V G of V i AA A AA A l AAA A A QT AEE 2e v L V v v i J l i A A A A A A A AA A w AAAMWNAMAA AiA A AAWAAWAAAAA A A AAAAv dw M i A ii l Gfii i i iii FIG N 59 STARTING PINION MATE GEARS I INTO CASE FIG N 6l INSTALLING PINION MATE WASHERS 308