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0 STEERING SYSTEM O 28 SERVICE DIHGNOSIS SYMPTOMS PROBABLE REM EDY Hard Steering Lack of Lubrication V Lubricate all Connections Tie Rod Ends Worn Replace Connecting Rod Ball Joints Tight Adjust Cross Shaft Improperly Adjusted V Adjust Steering Gear Parts Worn Replace Steering Loose Tie Rod Ends Worn A Replace Connecting Rod Ball Sockets Worn Replace A Steering Gear Parts Worn Replace Steering Gear Improperly Adjusted Adjust Road Shock Steering Connecting Rod too Tight Axle Spring Clip Loose VVheel Bearings Loose Poor Shock Absorber Control Turning Radius Short One Side t V V Center Bolt in Spring Sheered Off Axle Shifted Steering Arm Bent Steering Arm not Properly Located on Steering Gear 0 29 S I EERING SPECIFICHTIONS F4 ENGINE V6 ENGINE QQEEQING EiR R BYRBBD R M k 4 l V Ross oss Tjflpec V V V V V VV V V Cam and Lever Cam and Lever Ratio V V V V I7 9 to I 19 to I B cC 1lrii1EIJpperV V Ball Ball Cam Lower V V V e Ball Ball Lever Shaft V VV V VV V Bushing Bushing Steering Colurnn Upper V l Ball Ball L Sh ft V eglgarafice to Bushing V V O005 to 0025 0 0127 a 0 0635 mm 0005 to 0025 0 01 27 a 0 0635 mm End Play l V V V V V 000 000 L h t C V 2lsSt aighEi nAhead V V Slight Drag Slight Drag Wheel Diameter V V VV V V VVVVVV 17 438 mm r 17 438 mm Wheel Turns V V V V V V VV V V V 2 58 2 58 STEERING GEOMETRY V 7V K 1 1 1 e V V V VV V 1 Torfln V1imV V VVV V V V V V V Vi to i 2 1 2 a 2 3 mm 4 to 3 g 1 2 a 2 3 mm Camber VVV VV V VVVV V VVVVVVVVVVVVV VV 1 30 I 30 Caster VVV VV V VVVVVVV V VVVVVVVVV 3 3 Turning Angle 0 DJ C Models VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 27 f 27 Turning Radius with 27 Angle 1 Ul 6 S 3 1 C 3B CJ 5 C 5A VVVVVVVVVVVV 1 17 6 5 3 mm mm C 6 C 6A VVV V VV VVVVVVVVVVVV 22 IO 7 0 mm 22 IO 7 0 mm Outside Wheel Angle with Inside Wheel at 20 O Ieep Universal V VV 20 l 20 322