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<- Brakes Service Manual SM-1046 August 1971 Wheels ->
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P BRAKES rod The primary outlet is connected to the front brakes with the secondary outlet connected to the r r ttr r t t rE E E rt5 r r rear brakee r yyn e i gift iQ i With the master cylinder fluid reservoirs filled and the front and rear brake system bled there is a solid f VV column of fluid on the forward side of both the rV 1 V VV primary and the secondary pistons V T yj E A AV Upon application of the brakes through movement e r ri 2 i i r Er rt E t E ef the brake pellalr fluid rr displaced by the plSl S 5 rll rr ll i lr l l l T irv l ll l ll l lll l l r rate tbe Wheel eybrrdere te aetivate betb frerrt and l l 2 rear brakes Upon release of the brakes fluid re e turns from the rear wheel cylinders through the secondary residual check valve to the secondary 13264 portion of the master cylinder bore Fluid also W returns from the front wheel cylinders through the Fm P lVI l l l gY l1iIl TEYRBRAKE primary residual check valve to the primary port1on of the master cyl1nder bore With the Double Safety brake system type master P 3 Parking Brakes DJ 5 DJ 6 cylinder failure in one part of the brake system a The parking brake is eneretetl by n T nendle does not result in failure of the entire hydraulic lever meunted to the left ef the Steerlng eelumn brake system Failure in the front brake system will and Suspended rem the instrument nenel when leave tht mar brake Y t m still eeerative OY failure the brake lever is pulled outward tension is exerted lll the I 3I SYSICCU Wlll leave the fI OHt bI 3k SyStCIT On the parking brake Cable leading to the bI akc eeeratrve The amount of brake grip depends on the number A double hydraulic cylinder with two outlets two of notches the lever is pulled out To set the park residual check valves two fluid reservoirs and ing brake pull out on the parking brake control two hydraulic pistons a primary and secondary T handle To release the brake turn the handle are operated in tandem by a single hydraulic push slightly and push it forward I 1 r tE g m 1 V E1 2 a e or we ell mmfm1f as ir ld i c lM Twp 1 ef 7 f 0 r gr 4 E 1 l ligne l rice eeee s 10794 FIG P 3 PARKING BRAKE LINKAGE Dj 5 Dj 6 l Cable and Conduit Front 7 Re acting Spring Link 13 Brake Lever Bracket 2 Clip 8 Nut 14 Clcv1s Pin 3 Gr0mmet 9 Nut I5 C0tter Rin 4 Hand Brake Handle Assembly 10 Equa1izcr 16 Clev1s Pin 5 Cable and Conduit Rear 11 Adjusting Rod 17 Cotter Pin 6 Retracting Spring 12 Hand Brake Lever 324