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j A A rr i A g N 2 W V M 3 E ix i Zi 7 ff r O f V f M 5 sims V Z V V 5 V V is V A i g 7 gl l l k I l V V 36 L sa Vnll l 5 rt I 6 V I V iji iY ri V V U 8 9 i ia A 10728 FIG T 2 WINDSHIELD C 3B l Windshield Assembly 4 Windshield Glass 7 Screw and Lockwasher Z eFiller Strip 5 Screw 8 Screw Jl Weatherstrip 6 Clamp 9 VVeatherstrip Floor pan noise on early Q 5 and C 6 models C 5 and C I 6 may bc corrected by installing the new HOOr pans Vehicles equipped with metal enclosure employ a stationary windshield which is the same as that I 2 Windshield used with the canvas top except that it has a higher M d I C 3B silhouette and is wider Glass installation is the O li Ji same as C 5 C 5A C 6 and C 6A The entire windshield and frame assembly may be lowered down on top of the hood This is accom plished by unlatching the retaining catches mount T 3 Wlndshleld ed on the cowl above the instrument panel When Model C l 5 CJ 5A C l O C l 6A DJ 5 D l 6 lowered do not fail to strap it down with the strap The windshield and frame may be lowered to the provided which is mounted at the top of the hood by unlatching the two clamps at each side radiator guard of the windshield When in the lowered position A stationary type windshield is used on all vehicles always secure the windshield by passing the strap equipped with soft or canvas tops A hinged ven at the tOp Of the windshlald thrOl lgh rhs 1OOp On W tilator mounted in the center of the panel directly the hOOd and drawing thc strap up nrn ny under the glass is provided for ventilation The To remove the windshield from the body on early glass is installed in the same manner as on Models models first pull the windshield wiper vacuum hose 352