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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976 |
GENERAL INFORMATION FIRST DIGIT ar 7 1974 8 W75 9 T976 SECONI amd TIIIRD DIGIT Month O9 Sepvembev O Ocmber F UR l H DIGIT V Typo H V8 3M 8 40 m 1 Comp Rmio Two Bb Cub N V8 360 7 B 25 ro l Comp Ratio Two Bbl Curb P V8 360 8 25 rg 1 Comp R s Four Bhl Cub Z V8 AO 8 35 to 1 Comp Rum Four Bb Curb T V8 40 8435 to I Comp Ratio Four Bbl Carb Heavy Duty To identify odd size engines the fbllowiug letwr coding will be used B 7 010 Overseas Cylanaev Bows C 010 Oversize Camshaft Bores M 7 010 unaersaze Munn Bmrsngs P OTC Undevsue Pins PM WO Undarsize Pins und Main Bearings This lct u r can lw tlmml smmpad to the upper half of the Engine Build Todo plate PAINT OR TRIM Identification of paint and trim options on each vehicle is shown on thc Vehicle Identification VIN plate 1 tacl10d to the engine firewall on the left hand side This iuformutkm should bv used to determine paint color trim number and included with the part number and description when ordering trim parts Paint or Trim Option 999 dvsigrmtvs special paint 01 trim therefore the vehicle serial number should he supplied When ordming parts for vehicles not equipped with the option plate samples of tho upholsww or trimming should accompany orders for trim parts Serial number model 0f vchie l amd body typo should also be listed Wn zmsmuc xm r sp msibility br r1 or s in color specification due to incorrect trim codc number supplied We eaammt auccpt cum Ilat imx of orders for trim parts after they are plamd and those parts uzumut ho a 4 tm r10 1 ikxr crcclit BIFLA P lN I is not x ai z1bl0 from the factory however Aerosol or Brush Top ouvhup Paint is listed in tho l lluwing chart All colors shown arc available mm your loca Ditzler and llupont paint i4 hb r by wquostirng tho inmmxix formula shown in the intermix number chart Sl l j TI r l ORIJICH or FLEET PAINTS are available as Aerosol or Brush Top Touchup Paint 0nly if lisuwi on tho tkdlowing hurts or in thc Accessories Catalog To rl t o miuo hw puim n1muui aouu n2r s inmrmix formula for a particular vehicle proceed as ibllowsz I lktmmine tim paint option number Tom the Paint and Trim Option Plate on the vehicle 2 l uzm this number in the following chart to deterrninc the name of the color 0n the vehicle except for Paint pt i n 999 Option 999 indicams special paint and when ordering paint r U ti 11 999 plouso rolbr to the SPECIAL SALES ORDER PLATE affixed adjacent to Lhe Vehicle Idm1tii ic21Li n Plato on the left hand sidc nf thc firewall Take the Special Salas 0111013 Numbnzr amd contact the National Parts Distribution Center br the correct paint umior that saloh order nurrxbma Jeep Ge 13 Printed in U S A