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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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GENERAL INFORMATION lNTRODUC 1 l N This Master Parts Catalog l 74076 contains replacement parts information for the model years 1971 thru 1976 Belore ordering replacement parts you must first identity the vehicle by its model year and series information to assist you is located on later pages For your convenience this paris catalog has been issued in two sections Section one consists of text copy specific illustrations listing part numbers Body Miscellaneous and PAKS Section two the Illustration Supplement consists of general illustrations and is under a separate cover lt has been assigned form number 1 75076 The two sections have been further subdivided into subsections called groups These groups list replacement parts for particular areas of the car An explanation of the make up of these catalog groups ibllow Main units of the car arc identified by the number preceding the decimal in any group number Listed below are all the group numbers and group names as shown in the catalog NAM1 GROUP N AME GROUP Accessories 15 Hardware 23 Air Conditioning 13 lieater 13 Axle 9 Ilood 12 Body llardware 27 llydramatic lransiuission 6 Body loul 1ings r 26 Instrument Panel 22 Body Sheet Metal 20 Instruments 3 Brakes 8 Manual Transmission li Bumpers 12 Metal Enclosures 28 Channels 25 Pick lIp Box 31 Chassis Miscellaneous 14 Power Steering r 10 Clutch 5 Propeller Shalts r 9 Cooling 2 Rear Quarter Hardware r 24 Cowl Vent i 22 Rear Suspension r i 11 Doors 23 Road Springs 11 Electrical 3 Seats 29 Emission 4 Shifting 7 Engine 1 Shocks 11 Exhaust 4 Soft Trim 29 Fenders 12 Special Equipment 40 F l ii r Tous 28 Steering Gear r 10 1 Gl1YSlJ l 1 Y3 Sm1S i l 44 6 Throespeed Transmission 6 Frames ll l ransl er Case 18 Front Suspension 10 Transmission 6 Fuel 4 Wheel s 8 Glass 25 Windshield Wiper 22 Grille 2 individual parts are assigned u group number The first number identifies the main unit Following the decimal is the subgroup number under which all parts of the same name and function are listed Example Group 1 059 HEAD Cylinder I indicates that it is an engine part 2059 is the subgroup number where part numbers of cylinder heads can be located Jeep Ge I Printed in U A