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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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GENERAL INFORMATION The sufflx vmmplc 10 should not be interpreted as being part of the group number It merely serves as as rctbrmrcu number tn tie in the Alphabetical Index and the Illustrations Sup plement oallouts with the text section group numbers Due to their nature and usc many parts may appear in more than one group in this catalog Each of those parts is assigned an identifying primary group number This is the number under which the part is priced in the Americwx Motors Parts and Distribution Services Division Jeep Price List listvrl on Parts Storage Location Labels and stored in American Motors Parts and Distribution Se1 vi 0s Division Warehouses and Dealerships Parts should always be ordered by their identifying primary group number part number and noun name l O AT1NG PART NUMBERS R llIl 26 Tho driver s side Oll Left Hand Drive is the left hand side of the vehicle cm Right Hand Drive it is the right hand side of the vehicle This is the governing factor in determining whether a part is left or right hand Body Mouldings Pmduotion lzwtallsvi Refer to the Special Infomation and Illustrations Index at thc start of Group 265 Select the illustration title which would most logically include the part you require Tum uw the page indicated by the index and visually locate the part in question The part number you sock will be found adjacent tn the part Body Mouldings Sp ml lJerul r Freratmenz Ornamcntation changes by dealers to satisliv in dividual mvnor requests have not been cataloged The dealer assumes the responsibility for cor rectness 0i replacement parts l AL NC OF GROUPS First locate the group number of the part required Any one of thc following thrcc methods can be used Mzethorl 1 Retin bo the Illustrations Index located at thc start of the Illustration Supplement F 75076 Select the illustration title which would most logically include the part you require Tum to the page indicated by the index and visually locate the part in question The group number you seek will be found adjacent 0 the part Locate that group number in the text section Mat md 2 If the r llI1 name of the part you seek is known refer in the Alphabetical Index located in the front of thc text section The group number you seek will be found adjacent m the parts noun name lmcate that group number in the text section Method 3 lf the group number of thc part you seek is already known locate that group num ber in thc text section Next interpret the infbrmatiun under the group number as follows YEAR This column will indicate the yearts tn which a part applies When a slash is shown follow ing a year it indicates the model year the part was first used and that it is in use through the current year For example 75 r Indicates the part was used for 75 model year only 74 Indicates the part was used for 74 thru 76 model years Jeep Ge 2 Printed in U S A