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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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GENERAL lNl ORl lA l lON When ordering nenstandard replacement parts br a vehicle having the atbreni011ti m 1l identifi cation plate See lllustratioril please FURNISII THE F l I L AND COMPLETI I SPFJCIAI SALES ORDER NO AS WELL AS THE VEHICLE SERIAL Nl MBEIf and ENGINE BUILD CODE NUM BER and il description ol the parts required to the NATIONAI PARTS l lS I l lRU l ON CENTER ON FORM NO F 259 MRS THIS vsunctz MANUFACTURED BY jeep CORPORATION Special Sales Order N0 WELDING ASSl MBlill lS 4 A Welding Assembly consists of two or more metal parts welded together at the plant in a fixture for accuracy Parts for assemblies which cannot be welded to advantage in thc field are not listed except in occasional instances where the cost of a welding assembly would be excessive J6 P Ge 6 Printed in U A