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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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GENERAL INFORMATION VFZIlI III l II I 1N I Il I A I IUY I F I I f ll V V K I M IA I V It iw I fh fL I r A I This I3 digit number can bc found stamped on the bottom line of the metal plate which is afiixod to the unpor left corner of tho Iircwall under the hood Beginning with SIX DIGIT Serial Number l I 0O tho i l liz1hcticul IVW rating code is replaced hy tho actual Numerical weight ricesigiiation 1974 V INI PRIOR T0 SIX DIGIT SERIAL N0 100000 nrc Mopar mms Mons som uvw enema smusnmn cons ism Mission srvuz mama senin Nu BEGINNING WITH SIX DIGIT SERIAL N0 100000 Msn Mans rum Monet may enema sauusmm CODE YEAR MISSION SERIAL NOI This number is dvcodcd ns follows FIRST DIGIT Y Manufactiiircir J Jeep Corpmmion SECOND DIGIT Model Your 4 I974 TIIIRD I IGI I Plant I rzmsmission Drive A Toieag Hydy m a i H i cm 3 speE4 Rum B CKD Hydrcmctic LHD M Toledo 4 peed LHD F Toledo 2 sp ea Lim N Toledo spe i nun G T ned 2 pmi RHD 0 cm s spced i i i0 J CKD 3 Speed LHD P CKD 4 5peed RHD Jeep Ga 7 Printed in U S A