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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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GENERAL INFORMATION I I IiR I ll and FIl l II DIGIT Series I4 Wugcneer IIOWB 45 Track J IO I3lWB I5 W geneer Custam IIOWB 46 Truck J 20 I3IWB I6 Cher akee IIOWB 63 Universal 84WB CKD I7 Cherakee S Custom IIOWB 64 Universal I04WB CKD 25 Truck J I0 ll9WB 83 Universal 84WB 26 Trunk IJ I0 Export Only A lI9WB 84 Universal l04WB SIXTH DIGIT Body Style I Tlwriltside Pickup 7 2 Dear Wagon 2 Tcwnsida 7 Pickup B Stripped Chassis 4 4 Daar Wagon F Full Cab 5 Open Body H Half Cab 6 Cab and Chassis SEVl LN I Il DIGIT WW Prior Tn Six Digit Serial Na ll 0000 A Vehicle Weight li Iial 0tieal Code Was Used Translation Follows C 5600 I4 I5 I6 l7e25 45 S 4500 83 Heavy Duty E 6000 7 IA l5 l6 I7 T 3750 83 K 7200 46 V 3900 84 M 6500 46 W 5200 25 45 P 4200 84 X v 6000 26 Export Only R e 4750 84 Heavy Duty Z 8000 46 SIiVI ZN l ll DIGIT Engine Beginning With Six Digit Serial N0 100000 A Vehicle Engine Alphabetical Code Was Used Translation Fellows A 7 six 258 cm Regiitar N v8 360 CID E 5lX 232 CID Regular P VB 360 CID 4 Bbl I l V8 304 CID Z V8 40l CID EICIITII DIGIT Iingine Prior Te Six Digit Serial N0 I00000 A Vehicle Engine Alpltabetical Code Was Used Translation Fellows A Six 258 cu Regular N V8 360 cm E SIX 232 CID Regular P V8 360 CID 4 Bbl t 1 v8 304 CID Z V8 401 CID ICIUIITII thm l llIR I l ZI lN I II l l iI I Serial Number The first Six 6 Digit Sequential Serial Number Used Begins With 100000 Sequential Serial Number Begins With IOOOOO NINTH thru TIIlI TICliNTlI DIGIT Serial Number Prior To Six Digit Serial Ne l0 000 A Five Digit Sequential Serial Number Was Used Sequential Serial Number Begins With 0000I and Ends With 99999 Jeep Ge 8 Printed in U S A