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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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GENERAL INFORMATION 1975 VII N This Iii digit number can be Ibund stamped on the botmm line of the metal plate which is ufiixed to the upper left corner uf the firewall under the hood MFG MODEL TRANS MODEL GVW ENGINE SEQUENTIAL CODE YEAR MISSION SERIAL NO This number is decoded as follows FIRST DIGIT z Manufacturer J Jeep Corporcrion SECOND DIGIT Model Your 5 l97S THIRI I lGI I Plum lransmissimi Drive A Toledo Hydrommic LHD K CKD 3 Speed RHD B CKD Hydromovic LHD M Toledo 4 Speed LHD F Toledo 3 Speed LHD N Toledo 4 Speed RHD G A Toledo 3 Speed RHD O CKD 4 Speed LHD J CKD 3 Speed LHD P CKD 4 Speed RHD FOURTH and FIFTH DIGIT Model I4 Wogoneer IIOWB 45 Truck J lO I3lWB I5 Wugoneer Cusrom IIOWB 46 Truck J 20 IBIWB l Cherokee IIOWB 63 Joep 84WB CKD I7 Cherokee S Custom IIOWB 64 Jeep lO4WB CKD 25 Truck J IO ll9WB 83 J cp 84WB 26 Truck IJ I0 Exper Only l l9WB 84 Jeep l04WB SIXTH I I I l GVW Rating A 3750 83 M 6025 I4 l5 l6 I7 25 26 B 4000 84 N 6500 26 46 C 4500 83 HD VDO Only R 7200 46 D 4750 84 HD VDO Only X 8000 46 SEVENTH DIGIT Engine A sax 258 CID 110 H P N v8 r360 cm 175 I LP E SIX 232 cm 100 I I P P va 360 CID 195 H P H va 304 CID ISO H P Z V8 AOI CID 4 Bbl EIGIITII thru TIIIRTEENTII DIGIT Serial Number Sequential Seriol Number Begins With UOOOOI Jeep Ge 9 Printed in U S A