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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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GENERAL INFORMATION YET Unable to Iacaie in our atrempr to cancel Try to irnercepr ot zone level in consolidated YEU Believe dealer ordering incarrecrly due ra exrremely limited production ol chic iirsr type panel Recheclr and reorder including car sequence code number Concelling Form wire YEV I 4 Advise present inventory YEW Advise by wire shipping information on order YEX Y r Advise dare on which following invoices were received and screened against buck order file YEY Return at once on Z 269 cheapest way prepaid Quanriiy Parr number Mail l and 2 copies Z 269 atrenfian wriier reference this wire Advise YEYS Return at once on Z 269 cheapesl way prepaid Quaniityl Part number Mail I and 2 copies Z 269 attention writer reference this wire Advise Freighi charges will be allowed YEZ Ship cr once via Carrier Qearrmy Pon number Io Desvinmion Advise YOA Suggest use port and fill from zone siock Cancelling Form wire When making inquiries by wire regarding a dealer order be sure I0 mention the dealers name city and stain as well as tho order and invoice numbers if available EXAMPLE YEW BOULEVARD CHICAGO 795670 I ecuded roads ADVISE BY WIRE SHIPPING INFORMATION OF ORDER 795670 FOR BOULEVARD CHICAGO Jeep G ig Printed in LI A