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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
PrevPrevious Page - Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976Next Page - Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976Next
3 400 ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS 3 400 5 ATTACHING PARTS Horn Switch To Steering Wheel SCREW Machine 74 IO 20 40 RHD I7 623 E 342045 1 3 400 6 ATTACHING PARTS Horn Flanqe And Spacer Ta Switch WASHER Plain 74 10 20 40 RHD I7 8I41 Y G 3IC I4 3 400 7 SPACER Horn Switch To Fianqe 74 70 20 40 RHD 3 34 068 3 400 8 BRUSH Horn Contact Incl Wire 74 Bi A A A A I 535 COE 74 10 20 40 RHD I GA3 23I 3 400 9 ATTACHING PARTS Horn Contact To Steerinc Column S I ZL uw liner im M 5 80 I7 6 O I I 7C6 3 400 I0 TERMINAL Wire Assembly I 74 IO 20 40 RHDI I QSO 373 3 400 11 WIRE Horn M2 75 I G0 W5 3 400 I2 CUP Contact Horn Button 74 5 B0 A I 927 AIS 3 400 I3 PIN Horn Blowing Contact ii IT I L I5 4 0 A I 318 7249 3 400 I4 SPRING Center Horn Button Receiver 2 I M 246 fc 80 0 I 3I8 Z 3 400 I4 RING Center Horn Button Contact On Steerina Shattl 74 Vi BO I 0 I93 3 400 IS RECEIVER Center Horn Button 1 Ii 20 4 J I BIB 69c7 7 80 20 I BI8 967 3 400 I6 ATTACHING PARTS Receiver To Wheel SIRI IN I i 4 4 I0 20 40 3 400 AI 67 3 400 I7 INSULATDR Center Horn Button Receiver 1 1 I 32I SGI I 3 401 2 BEZEL Horn Blawinq 74 Z ffl 40 EHDI t IO 990 I 371 793 3 40I 3 ATTACHING PARTS Cover To Horn Blowinq Bezel REW Yawn I 1 EC PO 40 LHDI IO 290 A 400 4641 3 40I 4 SPRING Horn Blowinq Cover 7A IC Q 0 if fLI II I A EI9 GQI6 3 40l S BUSHING Steering Wheel To Cover 74 EO PC AC Spoke wI e r I I0 8O 4 377 I2B4 74 IO AAI 1Sr r wtrr II 3 400 I TSIB 6964 M 80 QQ I 318 6064 3 40I 4 WASHER Horn Blowinq Cover Insulutinq 74 QI C TLT 4 400 5025 3 40 6 INSERT Horn Blowing Caver f I IO 20 20 ILWTJI Iv r I WWI IO 280 I 32I 97PI Jeep Gr 3 T 26 Printed in U S A