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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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HOOD FENOERS BUMPERS GROUP 12 SPECIAL INFORMATION The Engine Build Code Number the Vehicle lderitificmion Number and the information provided on the Trim Plate re Olleh HQCUSSQNY when del fmlnlng ll proper IBPIUCQMEHY p l l5 Of YOUV VGl IlCl9 FO fhelf lDC flOI YBlEf l 19 GGIIBVGI Inforrrrution Seetion found ut the rent f this ectolog NOTES l2 I Refer to Type 1 Illustrutirm below I2 2 Refer to Type 2 Illustration below 1 ii i z I r r 1 I I II N I 1 ir I I V out i I TYPE 1 TYPE 2 I2 3 Used without Horizontal Bumper Guards I2 4 Used with Horizontal Bumper Gucrdsr I2 5 Used when Bumper Flange ure not notched for the Bumper Jack l2 6 Used when Bumper Flunges me notched for tha Bumper Jock Jeep Gr I2 l Printed In U S A