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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976 |
HEATER AIR CONDITIONING GROUP 13 SPECIAL INFORMATION The Engine Build Code Number the Vehicle Identification Number ond the iniorrnotion provided on the Trim Plote ore often necessary when dererrninsng rhe proper replacement ports for your vehicle For their Ieceeien refer tc the General Inlormovion Secrien found cr the Iron of this catalog NOTES l3 l Heater Motor has single flat aren on Shaft l3 2 Heater Motor has double luv urea on Shaft 13 3 Ereirosrer opening in Crush Pod is 8 56 Ionq I3 4 Delrnster opening in Croeh Pad is B 96 Long l3 ll Serviced only es purr ol Accessory Kit Refer io Accessories Caiuloq nd Price List I3 5 Serviced only os part of Accessory Kit Refer to Accessories Catalan und Price List Jeep Gr 13 I Printed in U A