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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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ACCESSORIES GROUP 15 SPECIAL INFORMATION The Engine Bond Code Number the vehsole rdemalaoovson Number ond the information provided on rhe Tram more ore often necessary when determirrmg the proper replacement porrs for your vehicle For their loooeiorr refer to the Generol Informcticn Section found ot the from of rhis ootolog NOTES I5 rr Mirror Head is SJ Z x 8 I I2 The Bull Socket Stud is located in the center of the Mirror Heud I5 2 Mirror Hood is 6 3 A x 6 3 A The Bell Socket Stud is Iecutcd in rho lower third oi the Mirror Hood IS 3 Radio and Speaker ore mevolled seporovely Into openings in the Instrument Ponel I5 A r Rudio und Speaker are installed os one unit under the Instrument Panel I5 S Serviced only os part of Accessory Kit Refer to Accessories Cetulog und Price List IS 6 Used only with Strobe Lomp Model 2 800 Jeep Gr ls 1 Printed ln U A