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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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18 630 TRANSFER CASE l8 630 B ATTACHING PARTS Reduction Unit Clamp To Control Cable Bracket BOLT 1e n 14 15 25 10iWOT 4 4 17 038 1 179793 W S1ni1 51 M M 10 25 AIO WU11 4 4 17 8 K3 1 1741916 NLIE l v 1 rI 7 1 IG 2i 10 WQT1 4 17 4105 1 5120375 18 650 I CABLE Reduction Unit Incl Handlel WQT 1 11 in ei A 4 4 44 1 535 3333 7 10 7 1x 44 4 4 4 l 535 4422 l81650 lo BOOT Reduction Unit Cable fi 10 J if 4 4 1 535 41551 18 650 2 ATTACHING PARTS Reduction Unit Cable At Control Lever BOL1 Swwei weed 711 75 10 25 I0 IWQT1 1 535 2956 FI111 1 1 4 A 41 10 25 I0 SWCJ 11 A A 17 117 1 271187 W x I ri1 1 1 I 4 a IC 25 1Q wQT1 A A 17 81 1 1 120393 18 650 3 ATTACHING PARTS Reduction Unit Cable At Instrument Panel IQEW iazpin w fit 75 10 2 7 10 WQTI 4 650 2 B 15AB2 l8 650 4 GRDMMET Reduction Unit Cable At Firewnll WOTl A 75 111 25 10 4 4 4 4 4 3 570 1 321 3963 I8 6 0 S STRAP Reduction Unit Cable Ta Instrument Panel Support Bracket WOT A 10 25 All 1 4 4 u 44 13 0iIU I 318 5027 18 650 7 CLIP Reduction Unit Cable To Brake Tube WOT 7A 75 10 AO c 23 028 2 400 0021 l8 6S0 8 SPRING Reduction Unit Cable To Power Brake Master Cylinder WQT1 7 1 75 QL 1 I0 5 190 1 803 358 l8 660 l LEVER Reduction Unit Sliiit lWOTlllncl Bearina And Knob 76 10 2 A0 1 1 5570 6 90 1 535 5567 18 660 2 BUSHING Reductinn Unit Shih Lever WOT 1 e 2 535 5521 18 660 3 KNOB Reduction Unit Sliilt Lever IWQTl 6 10 25 JO c 1 535 5517 fc 90 c 1 53 5516 I8 660 4 GASKET Beurinq Retainer Cover WOT 70 1 M 1 535 5525 IB 660 5 ATTACHING PARTS Beurina Retainer REvt 1Io i t vw 23 102 2 400 46 18 PUSEINLJ1 c c 1 c 2 4100 5041 NUI te 2 AO0 4201 18 670 I ROD Reduction Unit Sliilt Lever WQT1 6 O c 1 535 55 17 2 N ih i1 1 235 5557 6 N3 AI IVB1 1 I 535 5556 6 90 e 1 535 5546 18 670 2 ATTACHING PARTS Rod To Shift Lever And Reduction Unit PIN e1i l c L1i t M 29 162 2 400 0407 WASHER Sorim 76 7 12 A 815 53 WASIIEH Pun 6 t 1 1 17 81 1 2 GAA6363 Qeina Rev 10 15 75 A 7 W Gr 18 T 18 Printed in LI S A