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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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WINDSHIELD WIPER COWL VENT INST PANEL GROUP 22 SPECIAL INFORMATION The Engine Build Code Number whe Vehicle Idenvificuiiun Number and the iriformeoion provided on che Trim Plate cre often necessary when determining the proper replocemenv porvs for your vehicle For eheir loeoiion refer ic Vhe General Informoeiori Section found at the from of rhis catalog NOTES 22 1 Defrosier opening in Crush Pod is 8 56 longr 22 2 Defroster opening in Crush Pad is 8 96 Inng A 22 3 Used on 1974 Vehicles with 1974 Trim Code 22 4 Used on 1974 Vehicles wirh u 1975 Trim Code 22 5 Crush Pod is uhached with 5 Screws 22 6 Crush Pad is ooroehed wiih 3 Screws 22 7 Crrnirpl is clinched waih e Clip io Instrument Panel 22 8 Cornrol as snopped imo Instrument P ne1 22 9 The Wiper Motor Wires cre oeioehed wioheue the use of sepurute Connector 22 I0 A Connector is used ro onoeh Wiper Mofcr Wires ro Wiper Control Terminuls 22 11 Control includes Circuit Breaker 22 12 Cornrol does not require o Circuit Breaker Jeep Gr 22 I Printed in U S A