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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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BODY HARDWARE GROUP 27 SPECIAL INFORMATION The Engine Build Code Number me vehiele naenemeeaaen Nernber and rhe inlernrerien prevaaed on me Trim Plere ere often necessary when determining the proper repleeernent paris for your vehicle For vheir Ieemien refer rc the General Information Section luund the from of this ceveleg NOTES 27L I This Seal Bell does not huva the Shoulder Belt us purl of the Assembly 27 2 This Saul Bah has the Shoulder Belt as pun of the Assembly 27 3 This Sent Bell is used in coniunction wivh II ie Freno Sem Outer Bah nal hevinq Sheulder Bell us pen ol ohe Assembly 27 4 This seer Bch is used in eenaunersen meh whe Frenr Sect Outer Belr having Shoulder Bch ms pur of the Assembly Jeep Gr 27 I Printed In U S A