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Parts Catalog F-74076 R1 January 1976
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FOLDING TOPS METAL ENCLOSURES GROUP 28 SPECIAL INFORMATION The Engine Build Code Number rhe Vehicle Iaeririiicciieri Number crid ahe iriferirreeien prevaaea on me Trim Plese cre often necessary when determining rhe proper replacemem pans for your vehicle For their Iecoeion refer the General Informusicn Section fciirid ee whe mnt of rhis comleg NOTES 2s 1 Liftgme Hinges here three Mounting Screw Heiee 28 2 Lifigcte Hinges have two Mounting Screw Holes 28 3 L Point or the Plcsiic Top Enclosure is Ioccied in Accessory Group 15 385 Jeep Gr 28 I Printed in U A