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CJ-5 Parts List July 1955
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Model C 54Jeep4Parts List Description Group No Description Group No N O Nut hex 24 35 02C Oil seal axle shaft carrier end 21 05 Nut hex 24 special 4 10 09A Oil seal crankshaft front end 4l 4 10 01 h 7 l f 4 EE 1 323 5 EQ2 Sli 2221 QEEE E 1 11 inner 33 82 Nut hex 20 H i l 23 02 Oil seali front hub i I 25 03 Nut hex 6 20 i 227 03 Oil seal inlet valve spring retainer 10 08 Nut hex gi 20 35 05 Oil seal input and output shaft 35 02C Nut hex im 20 35 51 Oil seal lever shaft 23 02 Nut hex X 13 35 04A Oil seal main drive gear bearing retainer 17 01 Nut hex 20 10 23 Oil seal output shaft 18 01 Nut hex 20 L H thd wheel hub bolt 25 01 Oil seali pinion bearing I i 21 04 Nut hex Ml 20 R H thd wheel hub bolt1i25 01 Oil seal pulley drive l i35 03 Nut hex 20 steering tie rod stud 23 01 Oil seal rocker arm cover 10 01 Nut hex 18 23 01 Oil seal shift rod 18 01 Nut hex is 35 05 011er 15 01 Nut hex 18 slotted 35 05 Oiler press in 15 03 Nut hex 16 18 04 s EE 12Z i 21i i iii i i iii1iii 3i 1 P Nut hex 16 35 05 Nut hex 16 special U V Illl i Ivv K 35 02C gaciage field eoil Nut hex 16 slotted 18 03 Pai 1 1 ear dc mg cagi Nut hex 1 14 rear axle shaft 21 05 P d bri S lf as ass J 1 e Nut hex mounting M 28 15 12A 3 u EL am S WOO 8 O E 5 Nut hex slotted 1g 35 0213 Pad draft clutch pedal 11 03 Nut holding knurled driver 31 03 P d felt Clutch C0 t1 l tube U U2 Nut huglocky v 16 4 vr v 3143 Pad pedal assembly 5 11 03 Nut hugl0 l8 R 1 1 thread 1 27 03 gag rulggen Euger i g guile Nut jam 24 light 35 05 8 Ju el u sr ac ng 2 0 vt Nut lock aiijusting screw 11 01 Pad rubber buffer backing hole 35 54 Nut lock 18 31 02 Pan front floor assembly 31 09 Nut lock 24 31 02 1 Pan oil assembly 10 14 Nut piston rod 35 05 Pan rear floor assembly 31 09 Nut retaining wheel bearings 25 03 Panel body rear left assembly 31 08 Nut self locking 35 05 Panel body rear right assembly 31 08 Nut shaft steering gear lever 23 02 Panel body side left assembly 31 06 Nut spare wh 11 k 35 33 1 a11e1 body side right assembly 31 06 Nut 5D d Hat Fd 1 N0 10 V 1 07 Panel front floor tool compartment 31 09 Nut square M 20 1 31 13 Panel instrument assembly 31 04 Nut stgmpeds 24 1 10 0 Panel wheelhouse left assembly 31 06 Nut SW1f h m0 U 1 1 13A Panel wheelhouse right assembly 31 06 gu erm a1 pssg B V ig Pedal brake assembly 5 24 08 u ermma s u ex 16 Nut wheel and horn button 23 02 g g 5h S mb1y et 1 1 g g Nut wing M1 18 15 18 Pma wwf l igh C A 31 O4 I lut and lockwasher 18 24 01 Pin A U U V V I H U 35 05 l ut and lockwasher A 24 35 26A Pm 10 13 Nut and lockwasher hex No 8 32 15 17 Pin gd 1 i i 17 O6 Nut and lockwasher hex No 10 24 12 04 M i Nut 1 1111OckW1 1s11e1 hex NO 111 32 12 02 P2 1 m 11 hmg 1 1 12 08 Nut and lockwasher hex 20 15 13 Pin mmm 35 51 Nut and lockwasher hex LQ 28 15 05 pim Cem Pall 20 05 i Nut and lockwashclf hex 5 24 m 16A Pm clevis cable to operating lever 24 01 Nut and lockwasher hex 16 I I I I A26 01 pim cl Vis X 2 11 O2 Nut and lockwasher hex 24 10 12 pim com X 3508 Nut aha ieekwaeher hex 24 10 22 Pm r X 1 M 11 02 Nut and retainer 20 31 14 131111 COYW1 1 2 X H 1 1 1 2 01 Pin cotter x l 24 08 Pin cotter x 1 10 15 O Pin cotter x 1 25 03 O ring 35 05 Pin cotter x 1 23 01A O ring bearing seal 35 05 Pin dowel 15 01 O ring manifold seal 35 05 Pin groove universal joint 20 05 O ring shaft seal 35 05 Pin guide control lever housing 17 06 Oil seal 12 O9 Pin hinge tool box lid 32 02 122