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CJ-5 Parts List July 1955
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Model C 5 Jeep Parts List Description Group No Description Group No P P Pin hold down spring 24 04 Plate seal assembly 15 03 Pin king bearing cap i 20 07 Plate seal retainer 20 06 Pin lock king pin to bearing cap 20 07 Plate shifting synchronizer 17 01 Pin lock pinion mate shaft 20 03 Plate shock resisting C B armature 15 O4 Pin pinion 35 05 Plate side spring shackle 27 03 Pin piston 10 06 Plate skid under frame 26 01 Pin pivot lever 11 01 Plate stop piston 24 06 P11 1 D1Vot 111ft 1 V 1 18 06 Plate striker glove box door 31 04B P10 D0W 1 t611 off S111ft11 fork Shaft 35 02B Plate tapping side panel reinforcement 31 07A P10 DoW Y to1 o off 111ft 1 V 1 35 0213 Plate tapping windshield clamp catch 31 O3 P111 1 ookot atm 12 09 Plate thrust camshaft 10 11 P1 1 1 o11 35 59 Plate transmission floor 31 14 P111 roll hood oatoh 35 74A Plate and hub driven clutch assembly 11 01 V P111 1 o11 oD 1 1t111 1 V T to b a1 1 Cal 24 01 Plate and shaft spring clip front left assy 27 03 4 Plnl rubber 35 05 Plate and shaft spring clip front right Pm shift fork 17 06 assembly l V I l I l U I A 27 03 Pin tail gate hmge 31 10 Plate and shaft s rin cli A rear A V 27 03 i Plate and shaft sgrin cli rear riglit a yi 27 03 Pinyand nngf i 3 A Q Y j ss 05 P1 g 27 Pipe 10 02 Plllloll levcllllg llllk I l 35 05 Plug pipe square head 10 02A 1 1 d 10 02 Pinion mate 20 03 P1 A pipE Square ee Pllll Plug pipe slotted 10 02 on mate 10 teeth 21 O3 Pl V ll d b l2 Pipe exhaust assembly 13 01 Plug 34 3m tulle nut 1O Pipe tail mumer is 01 Pl g 1 1 cls ESEEA P t 35 05 ug 8 Justmg afgo Piitgz assembly 24 06 Pius adjusting small 23 011 Pieeee front brake cylinder assembly 24 05 Plus M11 Seat svrmg 23 0111 piston and pinl assnmblyl 01g O S l1O 06 Plug button l ll 31 03 f Piston and pin assembly 020 O S 10 06 P111E button 111 31 08 Pastel and pin assembly 0s0 o s 10 06 Pius 1 tt 1 do 31 08 piston and pin assembly O40 O S v10 06 Plug button 1 d1a 31 09 Piston and pin assembly std 10 06 13111 Co1111ootoY 15 07 Piston and shoe guide rear brake cylinder llzlugi grain gmnt zxle housmg 204 assembly 24 05 Pla digi O ll m r 1 a Pivot seat hinge 31 07B Plu X allslcm ly lll O2 Plate adjusting 35 05 Plug Xpan lOn ly l0 O2 Plate backing brake assembly 24 04 Pl g Elf 4 Plate backing emergency brake 24 01 Plug Elle A Plpe sq ll 35703 Plate breaker is 03 Plug ll s g a Ousmg 22 Plate breaker assembly 15 03 Plug fat m mawr 1 08 Plate cover brake cylinder inspection hole 31 14 Plug 1 1p l 35 02C Plate cover lower front floor pan 31 14 Plug pipq Q sq hd 350 Plate cover power take off bearing retaineim 35 02C Plug pip l l l4 0 Plate cover power take off shift 31 14 Plug piper cxlld l ass A 2 Ol Plate cover steering column access 31 14 PlEg pip q SO Q Plate cover transfer case bolt access 31 14 Plug gOf ll tq Shll Kid l8 07 Plate cover upper front floor pan 31 14 Plllg taper rl l llll l l l ll7 O6 l l 1 dew by llll 35 04 mag welsh 55 55 at engine mum asssm y H 23 Plug with gasket spark assembly 15 06 P1at ngm mar 1O 23 Plunger interlock transmission gearshift 17 06 Plate face governor control plunger 35 08 Pllll lgSl On relief llvllllvlvlll llll I ll0 l3 l1 lat inwlator i 26A Power take off rear assembly 35 02C atm Jomti L 03 Protector grease rear brake 24 02 Plate lock intermediate shaft 18 05 Pllney belt lllll I l I I llllllllll V I 3503 Plate lock shaft l l 17 01 Pulley dllvel l lllllllllllvl I lllll l I V ll5 Ol Plat DoW 1 take 1 f d1 1V housmg Pulley drive fan and water pump 14 05 shift lever 35 02B pulley drivel governor l l l 35 08 Plate pressure 11 01 Pulley fan drive 10 03 Plate reinforcement 35 04 Pump 35 51 Plate retaining power take off lever 35 02B Pump oil assembly 10 13 Plate retaining cover 35 02B Pump tire 32 01 Plate rub door curtain door handle 35 17 Pump water assembly 14 04 Plate rub front door 35 17 Pump and manifold 35 05 123