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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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The number is decoded as lollewsz FIRST B G l Manufacturer J Jeep Corporation l SECONO DlC lT Yeo 3 3973 THiRD DXGIT Plcni Trnnsmissinn arlvc f A Toledo Amo LHO B CKD Auto LHB F Toledo 3 oo l LHB G Toledo 3 Sp ar RHD J CKD 3 S eed LHB K CKD 3 5 RHD M Toledu 4 acl LHB N Tolivdc e RBD O CKD 4 Speed LHD F CKD 4 Speed RMU Fqumra und r n rH 91511 Series 14 w g 110 wh i I5 Wcgcmeer l 0 Wheelbase 25 Gladiator l20 Wheelbase 26 G i i i l20 Whemiiaaee 45 Glc iamr l32 Wheelbase 46 Gladiukcz l32 Wheelbase 47 Gladiaiaz I32 Wheelbase 43 Gludiasm 132 Wheelbase SIXTH DlGIT gudy Style f I Tlwiflside Pick L Ip 2 Townside Pi k UP 3 Plcrlorm Stoke 4 Dam Wcgm l 6 Cab and Cfmssis 7 Camper SEVENTH DIGYT Type GVW C Custom 5400 E x spam 5400 i O Smndcrd 5400 W W r 008 X Truck 6000 Y Truck 7000 Z Truck 8009 EIGHT DIGIT Engine A 6 25B Regular H VB 3G4 Regular B 253 LFC N V8 360 Reguiar E Y 232 Regular R 4 3 Regular F 6 232 L C T 4 l3A L C NENTH thm THWTEENTH DSGIT J Sesquerwial Serial Number Srurling Willa 00007 230 ENGINE BLIKLD CDQE The 230 OHV Engine Build Cade is located on 0 been near ihe right from corner ol lie cylinder block Qgg f ji i i l s Printed in U S A Ge 9