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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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The Engine Fade cansisis af five groups ei digits wiih either aigshubetimal ar numvrical characters and may be En1 e grated cu Fo Iaws FIRST and SECOND DIGIT Type AD Simian W g n P neI UaIivevy GI di r wfDuc1I Curb 2WD at 4WD A c m Ic Transmission A5 Simian Wcgcsrwpunei 0e Iivery GIadiaror w Singh Carb 1 otamciic Transmission W ND Siuiion Wagon Poms Defivevyz w Duui Carb 2VID NS Smiiors Wc1g0r P ncI Dafivexyz w Singh Carb 7 5 to I Ratio TD Smrion Wagon Pane eIiv ry GIcdi tcr w Dual Curb 2WD cw AWD tcndard Transmission TS Sfcdion I g n P nai De ivery Gladiator w Single Carb St m rd Transmission NOTE First and secors digiis not shown an shari block capplicaiion THIRG thro FIFTH and ar SIXTH CHARACTER f Mode GOC 6 239 GHC Engine 6OCR 6 230 BHC Shad Black NOTE Tho sixih character shown euiy on short block SIXTH and ar SEVENTH thru TENTH DIGIT Engine Number NOTE Beginning wiih sixih digi exempt shari block ELEVENTH ihrxs THIRTEENTH DIGIT i 0ID nndersize Crankshait Main and Connecting Rod Bearings A f O I0 undcrsize Cranksiwok Main and Connecting Rod Bearings with UI0 oversize haves In Cylinder Biock AB 6lO oversize burns in Cyiindar Block B z Engine built for service S NOTE The above Iph i atic I character shawn only if ppIic 1bIe s FOURTEENTH and FIFTEENTH DIGIT Y Compression Ratio 7 5 to I E 8 5 to I 9 5 to T 23Z 258 ENGINE BUILD CODE The 232 and 258 OHV Engine Buihf Cade is stamped on ihe pad an the right upper center oi iho engine black t 2 E Y Q i I e a xe XT wg eb g i iK Q E R E 3 qigf Q r Printed in U S A Ga I0