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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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The Engine Cade c s af six riigita wiih either aiphuhefical or numerical charactars and may he interprete as foitvws FIRST DIGIT Year J 7 W65 as was 9 1967 1 I was 2 wa 1 970 4 1971 5 M 1972 s 1973 Szccmn and T1 11R0 DlG T Month FOURTH DIGIT wpe A 21 0 0 1 cumpwmam Ratio ma t 771 l973 B 7 6 to l Ccrmpreasion Ratio 258 W7 9 3 E 8 5 ra I Camxxeessioo Rene 232 193 0 thm 1973 1 e 7 7 to 1 Compression Ratio 232 N70 thru 1972 K Y 5 fa l Compression Ratio 232 F 65 thru W6 E 8 5 fc I Cnmpxessien Ratio 232 W65 Thru I969 1 T1 1 ma SIXTH BQGQT uw NOTE Friar to l969 Engine Code Idenritizoticm infarmotiun was stamped oa a tag located on tha from left side of the Ba F above the Intake Manifold The top parrlan of this tag shuws the as xwrchased Par Number of rho angina assembly The bottom cf the tag shows three alphabetical characters below the Ewil date and these ora Identified as loilows FiR l DIGIT Size ai Bore rl 1 B or C SECOND DJGIT Size af Main Bearings A B or C THIRD i lG T I Sixe of Connecting 5 Rad Bearings A E3 or C Q Alphabetical Characters Senate A Sraadard B Bl0 Llndersize C Gl0 Oversize V8 304 ARD VE 3 O ENGINE BUILD CODE This coda is stamped ao metal rag and is laccta an the from of the af vhe riglv a e Cover 7 1 wl aa c 7 I Dk gM 1 fl cc 7 w 1 j w The angina code consists of six digits with either alphabetical or numerical characters amt 1 1 1 be iaentiliad as lollaws FIRST Dias J Year J 4 1971 5 e 1972 o 1973 Printcl in U A Ge H