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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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PAINT OR TRSM Vehicles have e Paint and Trim Option Plate usually etiixed rc the engine side uf the firewall on the right hand side of the veimicle This option plate zhoold be utilized to determine point colors to he used ond ior ordering trim ports lor r vehicles having the option piate attached lx The Pm fwmlier l tlw PGM dwirerl l g with the part clescriprion and trim option number should be shown an order iev all trim parts l Paint or Trim Option 999 designates special point or trim therefore the vehicle seriul number should be supplied When ordering ports lor vehicle not eeoipped with the option plate scmaies of the upholstery or trimming should accompany orders For trim parts Serial number model of vehicle and body type should also be listed We ossumr no responsibility lor errors in color specification cine te incorrect trim code number supplied Wo cannot accept cancellation of orders For trim parts after they ere placed and these ports cannot be returned for credit EXTERIOR PAEHT BULK PA lNT is not uvailable from the factory however Touch Up Paint Aero el Type is listed in Group ISK All the colors shown in the following ciiort are available from your local ACME DVTZLER BUPONT and RlN5HED MASDN swim ioblner by requesting the interrnix formula shown in the lritormix Number Chart To determine the point mrmufoctui er e iriterroix formula for a particular vehicle proceed crc iallows Determine the point ogtion number from the Point and Trim Option Plate on the vehicle 2 Locote this number in the following chart to determine the rxome at the color on the vohicie except lar Point Gption 999 Option 999 indicates special paint To obtain iniormation on special point contact your Regional Pcrye and Service Manager and provide the Serial Number of tina vehicle invcivod Far reference use SERVICE BULLETIN Nu 864 dated November l8 Nob 3 After locating tire Point Option Number one the point color nome the manufacturer s intermix formula is shown in either Lacquer L or Enamel El which is ine paint letter used when ordering included in the lnterrnix Chart ore the Monoterxe Point Qptieos Fer Lett Columni in the colcir column M indicator tvtorelli ond 2 indicates a second or later type l97l AND PRIOR F A NT COLOR ACME DEYZLER DGPDNT RINSHED OPTION RAME MASON Zi Rover Block L 509 DAl 90 B Stock 144 E 206 l Q E 9ClOO Stock 93 0G5 78 President Red ll L 7907 lDllil TDSB9 2l45 lri 55ZEl E 22 7907 OQEJOS49 2lAS ii 25525l 79 Steel Glow Gray L 7906 l Al 3l26S 2ld 55Zll E 22 7906 l3QE 3 l 263 2 lrl 2552 Bl ironsporr Yellow L 7908 AL 80020 83928 55272 E 22 79Cl8 9QE 80020 83928 255272 W3 Bri System Green L E QE 280l r l34 Cliive Drain L l744 DAL42955 24 29ld9 l 3742 E 22 l 4 EGE 42955 93 l49 H 2l l 3742 l35 Omona Orange L T6 46 SAL 6028l 832 l5 H 5BW7l E 22 l646 D lE 6028l 832 l5 H ZSBWYI l79 P t ti White L l7 DAl 289 8420l 0W92 E 22 l725 DQE43280 8420l 260W 2 22l GSA Grcy 76440 Lo l723 253 9 l64l0 l l047 E 22 l723 DOE 3 8l7 l93l9l64D 2Ll l407 222 l Y Blt W l 3045005 DALJ2077 246 9658l 63WZZ E 22 5905 DQE l2l 77 l93 7 58l 223 Nordic Blue M l 306003 DAi l23ll 20296575 63W23 E ZC 5003 DQE i23l l US U96575 224 White Cum v r L 06008 DAL 8345 246 965B0 63W l E 22 50l 8 DQE 3 l5 93 76580 i Printed in iJ S A Ge lli