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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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EXAMPLE l AMS BOULEVARE7 CHICAGO ONE EACH 3Zl 4850 3Z2 9543 SIS 2723 Decoded roads SHIP BY PARCEL POST SPECIAL DELIVERY TU aoucevnno CHICAGO ONE EACH PART NUMBERS Jl 4850 3IZ 9543 3T3 2723 PARTS INQBERIES Tiwre is a decided cost cdvamaga in using code words ar common phrases covering inquiries concerning ports orders inventories amd transfers lr is always good practice to use the following code words when ever possible SAY A 5vise need for nuanrity of lEF c Unai1 e io lcxcme Duplicating in order to avoid furiher delay via on c YEA Refer your or our crrder number YEB 0ar record Indicate open accounr order specifies 13 D Advise YEC Our records indieare C O D r order specifies open account Advise YED A l riso model trim and serial number YKEH Advise Riglri ar Lair Fronr or Rear required YEF Advi e Port number group number and description do not agree YEG Xdvise Parr rmmiaer and price do nor agree YEH Concelling No record of port number suggecr re cheek and re order Perm wire YE C ncelling Fill from zone stock Form wire YEK Advise Right hand drive peri YEM Cancelled Reier Paris ond Accessories ieirer M YEMS C ncalled Refer Service Letter YEN H Cancelled cs reauesmd YENS Reier ports release and change novice Dated YEO Llnub e to cancel as requesred Shipped fEP Incorrecr mcrerial received Check Sioclm YE r Canr elling Purchase locaily Refer io Mr A J Pe1erson s lairer oi l l7 6E sobiaci Replocemerii G oss For further details Form wire YER r H Voriiy stock depletion YES Ajrnclzle io locate in our atiempr to cancel as requested Soggesi you advise dealer accordingly YET ei rn ble to locore in our atiamor ro cancel Try to inrerzepr as zone Iavel in eonsolidored if YE J BeIieve dealer ordering incarrecily doe to extremely Simired production cri this Iirsr ryan panei Re ciweck and ra order including car sequence code numiier Cancelling Form wire YEV Advise prescni inventory YEW Advice by wire shipping irilormarion an order YEX Advise date on wiiich following invoices were received and screened ogoinsr back order File YEY Return or or ice on 2 269 cheupeer woy prepaid iiiuaariryi Part number Mail l and 2 copies 2 269 mtenrion writer rofnrance rhis wire Advise YEYS Reiurr or once on Z 269 cheapest way prepaid Clucritiry Park number Mail l and 2 copies 2 269 orienriori writer reference this wire Advise Freight charges wiil be allowed YEL Ship oi once via Carrier Quantity Part number io Destination Advise YGAH Suggest use purr and iill from zone siock Concelling Form wire Wiien making inquiries by wire regarding 0 dealer order be sore io mention iho dealer s name city and stare as wail as the order and invoice numbers if ovoilahie EXAMPLE YEW BOULEVARB CHICAGO W5670 Decoder reads ADVISE BY WIRE SHIPPING INFORMATION OF ORDER W5670 FOR BOULEVARD CHICAGO r Printed in U S A Ge l8